1.75g w/ scallop


Last night I set up my nano tank I had laying around. I added sand and water from an exsiting tank. I put >1lb of lr in. Checked the parameters(all good) and put in my flame scallop from my other tank. My ?'s are: do I do a water change at all and how many oz. How do you control the temp on these tanks.


Problem is that the flame scallop is a filter feeder if I am not mistaken. Which would require dosing phyto, right? Well in a 1.75 gallon system, your parameters could get out of hand quickly since there is a small amount of water. If you want to keep the tank I would suggest getting the 7 watt clip on PC light that you can find in most pet stores and then adding some shrooms or zoos. You could even put a shrimp in it if you wanted, just make sure not to over feed it. Its hard to have anything that requires dosing or food in a small tank like that.


Active Member
I completely agree with Aggie05 and Daniel411. Your tank is way too small to house such a sensitive invertibrate. Your most likely going to overdose such a small tank in the first feeding for the scallop. Water conditions could also easily change in such a small environment, causing the scallop massive amounts of stress.
I would say around 99% of flame scallops die within the first couple of months of being purchased, if not sooner. Many are not collected properly and are seriously damaged when you get them.
They also tend to be reclusive, prefering to stay in crevices or under rocks with just their tentacles being out in the open. Many people try to remove them to more veiwable places, but this usually results in damage to the byssal gland that sectretes the threads they use to attach themselves to rocks, resulting in stress and damage to the scallop.
These are also filter feeders which will need a lot of food. This means that you tank will foul quickly if you don't have a very good filtration system on it. Lack of food is probably the #1 cause of death. They tend to feed on phytoplankton, Golden Pearls would also be good for feedings. Here is a good article on feeding.


Took me awhile to get back, sorry. I wanted to thank you guys for the advice. He's still in the nano for now, surviving, maybe not thriving. I have no where to put him, no one who'll take him, and I can't take him back to the lfs. So we'll see how it goes. Thanks again.


Active Member
moopiespoo - why not in your seahorse tank?? if you feed your seahorses brien and does the tank then the scallop could filter feed there and survive a bit longer?? Just a thought?


I could be wrong, but I thought the scallop would try to snap at the seahorses? I also don't want it to die in the tank and infect the water. They release toxins when they die.


Active Member
Moopiespoo - here is what I copied and pasted from another site about live aquaria:
"It tolerates all animals that do not try to eat it, and can be kept in groups. It is a filter feeder, and requires floating micro-plankton to be kept alive in the aquarium, and will do best in a mature reef aquarium system. It also needs proper calcium levels and alkalinity. It does not tolerate nitrates or copper-based medications.
It requires supplementation with phytoplankton, and organic foods (Marine Snow or Selcon) provided by using a small pipette/straw to dispense the food upstream of its location. Each Red Flame Scallop needs to be fed individually."
It is a filter feeder but I woudl be concerned about tryign to target feed it in a 1.75 and I would look to move it elsewhere. In a seahorse tank it might snap if hte seahorse triesto anchor to it .... but I don't hink they would try .....


I am just concerned with it dying, as I've heard they don't live long. The 30 gall isn't mature enough. I have no problem target feeding it using a syringe. Thanks for your advice OA


Active Member
I strongly suggest you put it in your seahorse tank... that tank is much more mature than the nano is now and scallops need currents and that kind of crud...
He will be absolutely fine with the seahorse and yes, it will aid in cleaning up from the nasty brine shrimp...
For once in his life, overanalyzer is correct :p


I have current in the nano, I am concerned with it dying and toxing the tank. I still don't have seahorses in the 30 I decided to wait another month but if it died I dont want polutants in the yank.


Active Member
Ok, i see yo reasoning :D ... what other tanks do u have? The nano isn't goin to do it, i'm sorry. If there's anythin u can do do it...
also, i don't think scallops leave any extra toxins when they pass...


Active Member

Originally posted by killafins
For once in his life, overanalyzer is correct :p

you are funny - go sprain a knee or something!


Active Member
oh overanalyzer, that touches the heart man... that just hurts. I hope you to know I'm going to go cry now... Oh the horrible darknesss....
Oh... i tore a chunk of cartiledge out from between my bones. that's what happened the last time i hurt it...
srry, way off topic...
good choice moopsiepoo... :D


Active Member
What do u mean sober up??? You mean start seeing stright, start walking properly, stop getting sick all over my roomies...??? What would the fun in that be? lol


Active Member

Originally posted by killafins
What do u mean sober up??? You mean start seeing stright, start walking properly, stop getting sick all over my roomies...??? What would the fun in that be? lol

yeah just make sure you shred the pictuers and burn the negatives .... one day you might want ot run for president ... or governor of california....


Active Member
Haha... that's right... burn the pictures? what r u talking about... the average american person would love to see them.... ;)