$1.87 fiji or valentines day gift


Ok, I can either get some good fiji live rock at an incredible price or buy a valentines day gift for my other half.
Any cheap valentines day gift suggestions so I can get the live rock and still come off as a thoughtful spouse? <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


Is your better half into the aquarium? If not still get the rock and just take her out for a romantic evening, but do something you dont normaly do. I dont know what kind of weather you have right now, but a nice dinner and mabey a boat ride just the two of you under the moonlight, just use your imagination! remember your rock depends on it. LMAO ---- Bill


Active Member
Always hard to pass up a great deal on live rock - and I can sure appreciate your delima.
Suggestion #2
Get the rock - pay cash - buy all you can :p
Go to jewelry store - get her something nice she's always wanted - a ring or ear rings or necklace, you know, that silly stuff womem like :rolleyes: ( sorry ladies )
Take advantage of most jewelry stores 1 year same as cash - pay if off in small monthly installments - but make sure you pay it off within 1 year or you'll be hit with huge interest payments - and the whole deal goes south on you fast.


New Member
As a woman who is lucky to be married to a man as crazy as she is about saltwater tanks (and crazy in general) here is my advice:
1. Gotta get the rock!
2. On valentine's day, clean/pickup the house for her, make dinner (remember to clean up after) and then give her a nice massage. Since you have already spent the money on the rock this is a cheap alternative and I guarantee it is one she will appreciate greatly!


New Member
Well if I was the girl, I'd say buy me a fish and we'll call it even (but then I got a 30 gl for our 1yr).
I don't know the girl, but I'd say if you didn't do something you'll be in trouble. unless she's superfisual, you don't have to spend lots of money. cook her fave dinner (and clean up afterwards) watch a movie with her (one you normaly wouldn't watch). then look at all the cool creatures you got on the lr!
Sinner's Girl


I'm also a woman and I agree with Toadbaby - definitely get the rock, but also clean the house, make (or order in) a great dinner, light candles all over the house, romantic music, chocolate kisses and hugs leading to the bedroom, massage . . . Real men don't need $$ to keep their women happy - if you do, time to get a new woman! lol <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I guess I'm pretty lucky..... my girlfriend would kick my a$$ if I passed up LR for less than 2 bucks a pound, and she's not even a fish nut.
Good Luck!


Active Member
There you go again tang. You must have the best releationship in the world to put your girl before your hobby. I have been married for over a year and we dated 6 years before that. I love the girl to death but, If live rock came around at that price! She would eat campbells chicken noodle soup for dinner on Feb. 14th.


Active Member
PS. JustinL get the rock and tell her you got mugged on the way to get the gift.