1 Inch Humu Humu

crypt keeper

Active Member
I walked into my LFS and saw them getting ready to acclimate this little guy. He was still in the shipping bag. The place they get them from qts all their fish. This is my main LFS which I fully respect and they dont BS me.
This guy is tiny. I mean tiny. He has zero spots and is chubby for being so little and hasnt been in a lfs fish tank other than the whole sellers. I was debating on just putting him directly in my main tank.
My LFS runs bare bottom tanks with pvc and copper anyway



yeah it amazes me how small grouper and puffers were at one point in time considering how big they get.
nice find!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Salt Life
dudeee that is an awesome trigger. looks like a little toy figurine
When saw him I had too take a double look. Never seen a humu humu this small. They had 4 Clown tiggers that were even smaller. They were neat as hell. Id love to get one but they grow into monsters. This little guy will take years upon years to get huge. He will be going into the 75. I gotta get my 150 going. Its sitting in my enclosed bike trailer. I may be moving here soon. I have been trying to buy this house forever. Foreclosures are a pain the rear! If I do the 75 and 150 will be gone and a 200+ will arrive with lots of fish.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
you and me both.
I would have picked up one of the clown triggers too! you could set up like a 20g for it and let it grow out there which would probably take a while if it's smaller than the huma huma

crypt keeper

Active Member
That is a hell of an idea but I dont have any free tanks right now. My eel would make quick work of him. I already have the 3 tanks running. the Qt, 40 breeder with the eel and the 75. I just picked up the 150. My girlfriends wants to charge admission to enter our house LOL. The eel will be going in the 75 and the fish in the 150. The 40 will become my clown tank along with the Humu humu till he grows up a little. He is holding his own right now.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
That is a hell of an idea but I dont have any free tanks right now. My eel would make quick work of him. I already have the 3 tanks running. the Qt, 40 breeder with the eel and the 75. I just picked up the 150. My girlfriends wants to charge admission to enter our house LOL. The eel will be going in the 75 and the fish in the 150. The 40 will become my clown tank along with the Humu humu till he grows up a little. He is holding his own right now.
you can't put him in your QT for now till you get the 150 going?


My 3rd addition was a Huma Huma. The little guy looks like hes about 1-1.5" He is a trip to watch and he aint afraid of anything.


I had a little humahuma like that, They are the slowest growers of all triggers, and IMO have the best personalities.
Unfortunately my grouper ate him one day... :(
Good luck with yours Im getting one in my 75 in a few weeks after I get my SFE


Crypt what size tank is that video of? Do you mind telling me what all is in that tank? Also has it been running for a while? I have been wanting a Korean Angel but still too new to the hobby to get one. My LFS is one of the biggest liars will sell you anything to turn a buck. I am now driving at least an hour away or ordering online after my research. Thanks for details on the tank if you dont mind.