1 month in the new 150


Active Member
well its been about a month since i have transferred everything over from my 75 and started adding coral and well a whole bunch more - you guys know how it goes.
i figured out a real nice cheat on my camera that will take 3 shots in a row, the first one focused how i had it, then two more with a little more and a little less focus. this helps me nab some great shots when i might have been a hair off!
heres what i got yesterday:
:happyfish :jumping: :happyfish



Active Member
Very nice pics. Is that some sort of Wrasse? (yellow fish) Very pretty. How do you like the hawkfish?


Active Member
it is a yellow wrasse, or canary wrasse as i have been able to find. i have had him for since the beginning, he is such a trooper he has survived the 2 early ich outbreaks (from mistakes), grew nicely, and got the orange coloration on the face. very playful and will always swim right up to your face, loves the attention... in fact a bunch of pictures i had to toss cause he wouldnt get out of the way lol.
the hawkfish is too cool -
his name is harvey birdman, attourney at law. he always watches you! a real crowd pleaser. my only complaint with him is that he has trouble eating some foods because of his long nose. but thats not a big deal.


Active Member
Your tank is great looking. Thanks for posting more pics!
Also, fishtanknewbie, don't be so critical. The 150 is only a month old but who knows how old his 75 was that he transferred over.


Active Member
thanks all :)
lion was right , as i said in the first post (i think) that my 75 was established over a year ago.
****just found out a bad problem!****
part of it was due to my own ignorance, and partly cause i was sold up the river by LFS people.
long story short i somehow got a test kit that had everything - BUT - trates, and it seemed like everytime i went to get the trate test i was deterred, and they tested for it there. anyway i got the redsea test kits now
i just found i had a nasty nitrate problem satruday night, it was about 100!!!!
i quickly did 5 gallons - all i had - then 20% change yesterday - 30gals
the trates were down to 50 but the starfish - not sure of the ID - in the first pic already had melted - and the orange linkia was rolled up in a ball this morning which couldnt be good -
my skimmer was malfunctioning, the bubbles were way too low and not going up and over into the overflow cup, so possibly that was adding to the trate problem, or at the very least, it wasnt helping, that has since been attended to and seems to be working now.
i was planning on waiting today so everything settles then doing another 30 gal / 20% change tomorrow. does that sound like a feasable plan or are there other things i should check?
the ammonnia was at .25 - the first color bar up from 0. and zero trites. pH 8.3-8.4
as you can see bio load is basically nill for the 150.
other things not pictured:
assorted inverts
1-2 purple firefish
2 condy sp. (pink tip hatian) anenomes
1 BTA - pictured with clown.
any other ideas would help, guys thanks


Active Member
I would recommend doing (2) 20% water changes every week until you get the nitrates down to about 10-20 ppm. Spread them out, and do a water change every 3 to 4 days. That way, you allow your biological bacteria a little time to re-establish itself.
By the way, the first star pictured is a fromia species.


Active Member
thanks lion, that was pretty much the plan. with the 150 i was planning on doing 15g changes every 2 weeks under normal circumstances...or is that not enough? or if the nitrates are good then it is enough?


Active Member
It is only enough depending on the bioload in the tank and how often you feed and how good your clean-up crew works. If you have a good number of fish, and you feed often, then once a week changes will be needed.
Since your 150 gallon tank is new and there is still a good majority of bacteria that needs to become fully established, I would probably start with weekly 10% until it becomes very established. Then you may be able to cut it down to bi-weekly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
ur anemone is bleached id drop that picture on the anemone board and see what thomas has to say!

I agree with Nate, it shouldnt be that white, maybe cream colored but not stark white unless its just the coloring in the picture. Nice tank


Active Member
It should have a bit more of a brownish color to it, people often make the mistake of thinking they shoudl be white, (like sebeas) which are actually supposed to be brownish. You can bring back its color over time if you work at it.


Active Member
i looked at it yesterday and the actual color is not as white as in the pic, but pretty close, and had been since i got it. sometimes it - excretes - deflates, turns greenish and then back to normal.


Active Member
Yeah all anemones do that as kind of a cycle...sometimes when theyre digesting food or releasing waste...But under the proper lighting and being fed the proper foods, it will regain its color back,