1 month old 28! First Pics!


Here is my one month old, I need to add a background but I think its coming along nicely. I just added some cleaner shrimp as my first additions. On my LR i have some little anemones and feather duster worms... These guys have already provided me with hours of enjoyment!



Active Member
Those "anemones" are Majono. Which are bad. They need to be rid of. Check out the hitchhiker threads and see if that is for sure what it is. Welcome to the boards, Barry


Originally Posted by hot883
Those "anemones" are Majono. Which are bad. They need to be rid of. Check out the hitchhiker threads and see if that is for sure what it is. Welcome to the boards, Barry
Wow I was told on a seperate hitchiker thread that they are...Pseudocorynactis sp. Is this wrong?


Originally Posted by Brandan
What are your plans for the tank, as far as fish and whatnot. . .
Well I plan on adding 2 clowns (possibly Percula), im gonna try an anemone eventually (just got 4*24 watt t5 system for that) From what ive read 28 is kinda small for an anemone but can be done with frequent water changes. Maybe a blenny or a goby-and corals not sure where im gonna go with the corals yet still researching all of that!


Originally Posted by joncat24
I like your rockwork!!!

Thanks the top little piece will probably fall, I just put it up there becuase its full of coralline algea and I wanted it to seed my tank!


That anemone is actually a white ball mushroom, as you said, Pseudocorynactis sp.
"the Corallimorphidae are mostly composed of temperate and deep-water species. The few remaining species that are tropical are sometimes availible to aquarists, but little is known about thier care requirements. Occasionally, they may be attached to live rock...Nilsen(1998)cover them in some depth and suggest feeding with fish flesh at night when the tentacles are extended."- E. Borneman's Aquarium Corals (2004)


New Member
I may be wrong but those hitchhiker anemones, are from my understanding bad, but the easiest way to get rid of em is let loose a few peppermint shimp, maybe look into that Good luck, looks great too


Does the anemone expand during the day? If so, it may be a pest anemone. However, pest anemones do not have the swollen tips, and so i think you were right.