1 more clown fish egg question


If my clown lay more eggs can I remove them some how to put in a breeder net without injuring them. I most likley will not be able to remove the rock so I would have to remove them from whatever they are attached to. I was told I could suck them off with a baster. Is this true?
Do you have live rotifers to feed the fry? If not, are you prepared to raise rotifers? Unless you have these the fry will not survive anyway. A lot of people train their clowns to lay the eggs on a piece of tile or a clay flowerpot. Something they can remove and place in their breeder tank. Place the object where they lay the eggs in an effort to lay the eggs their instead of on the rock. There is a lot of material on this subject and how to raise the fry. Do a search on this and this will help you in the long run if you decide you want to raise clowns.


New Member
Why Dont You Just Put The Clown Fish In To The Breeder Tank And After They Lay Their Eggs You Just Take Them Out?
Originally Posted by FishFrend
Why Dont You Just Put The Clown Fish In To The Breeder Tank And After They Lay Their Eggs You Just Take Them Out?

When clowns start laying they can become very particular about their surroundings and some things can cause them to quit laying for periods of time. It has even been documented that moving a piece of furniture they can see from the aquarium can mess them up. So trying to train them to lay on something you can remove or capturing the fry after hatching seems to be easier.