1 more fish



i have a 90 gal fowlr that needs another fish.
current stock:
pair of clarkiis
flame angel
fuzzy dwarf lion
yellow watchman/pistol shrimp
cleanup crew of assorted hermits and snails
any suggestions welcome


possiby...i have a lot of yellow in there already with my clowns and a goby, and i don't know about keeping a regal in a 90.


Active Member
The wrasse family has some great choices with a variety of color.
I've been eyeing a scarlet wrasse at my LFS. Easy fish to add to community and most will swim all day and not be shy.


Active Member
I have one. They're reefsafe, fun to watch, full of personality and peaceful. They're venomous but not outwardly aggressive. Mine hides when I put my hand in, it's not like he will try to attack. <3


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
any recommendations for a colorful, reef-safe one?
I like the scotts, exquisite, or solar fairy wrasse's, all are colorful and reefsafe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I have read 4 - 6... I hope they don't get that big.
Their max. length is 8" according to my book.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
I like the scotts, exquisite, or solar fairy wrasse's, all are colorful and reefsafe.
my favorites are the carpenters :cheer:


thanks guys. i will check into all of those wrasses.
i recently saw a pearscale butterfly in a local 90 gal. it was in a tank with soft corals, and it didn't seem to be bothering them. they are also one of the more hardy butterfly fishes. what do you guys think of them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
thanks guys. i will check into all of those wrasses.
i recently saw a pearscale butterfly in a local 90 gal. it was in a tank with soft corals, and it didn't seem to be bothering them. they are also one of the more hardy butterfly fishes. what do you guys think of them?
I think they are worth a try as long as you don't have any LPS or SPS.


thanks, travis. does anyone have experience with a pearscale?
you can post pics of your reef-safe wrasses if you wish.


nice lookin' wrasse
is there any butterfly that anyone would recommend?


Active Member
I like the butterfly idea for your tank. They are peaceful, and will not put a huge bioload on your aquarium. Plus, your tank is now established enough to try a butterfly. The only problem with doing a butterfly is that you will have to find one that is eating aggressively at the LFS for it to have a chance in your tank with all of your other fish. You do not want a shy, passive one.
Pearlscale butterflies are one of the better, hardier chaetodon butterfly species. If you find a healthy specimen that eats well in the LFS' tank, this would be a good choice.
Another great, hardy butterfly species is the racoon butterfly. These usually fare very well and only get about 5 inches in aquariums.
The Merten's butterfly (Chaetodon mertensii) is one of my favorite butterflies. They are very hardy and usually eat and adapt very well also.