1 more fish?


I have a 100g that has been up for about 5 months, so far i have a flame hawk, tomato clown, GS maroon clown, purple psuedo, red coris wrasse, and a blue devil damsel, they are all small in the 2-3 inch size.....knowing they will eventually get bigger and wanting a tank that provides plenty of room i would like to add 1 maybe 2 more fish I want some sort of tang.... found a chevron for pretty cheap and read that they are hardy for tangs....i'm kinda looking for a colorful angel or tang any suggestions? Am I over stocked?


pygmy angels may be a good option. Something along the lines of a flame angel or a coral beauty should fit in well.


my chevron got along well with quite a bit of fish... ranging from a red velvet wrasse,maroon clown,purple tang,3 domino damsels,etc.... but you never know... its pretty expensive to try out but you could go for it