1 more powerhead?


i have a 60 gal with LR and 1 coral :).. ima newbie
i have a canister filter, aqua c remora PS w/ maxi-jet 1200, and 1
maxi-jet 900.
do you guys and gals all agree that i should get 1 more powerhead? another maxi-jet900?


Active Member
defintiely at least one more, I would probaly have 2 or 3 more personally. The 55 we have at work has 3 (1-hagen 201 and 2-301's) a filter and a skimmer. I like them and feel that (unless a pony tank) you really cant have too much and more sources are better yet.


Active Member
Sorry to dive in on your theread but where do you place your powerheads and which direction do you have it pointed? How many PH's do I need for a FOWLR 150g?


Active Member
a 150, what do you have now for circulation? skimmer and filters included, sump as well(if so, do you have a spray bar or just one return outlet)?


Active Member
I would say probably 3- hagen 801
or 4to 5- hagen 401 powerheads
and see how that works. what do you have in gph? in a 150, I would have a minimum of 3000gph and use at leas 7 , or maybe even more, sources> I do admit I am a bit of a circulation nut but it is a good thing in sw tanks.


Active Member
sorry to sound like a wise guy
but different heights, and all. in all kinds of different directions. You do not want any patterns or omni-directions going. ONE THING YOU DO NOT WANT is a whirlpool affect. so stagger adn scatter and randomly aim. do everythign you can to avoid whirlpools and stagnant areas.


Active Member
Currently I have two RIO 600s (I just replaced the impeller in one and the other has not had any problems miracously) and two MaxiJet 900s (one is runnig my CPR bakPak skimmer) running on my 65g.


When y'all are counting these, are you including the return from the sump? I am thinking that I definitely need to add powerhead(s). I only have my return line from the sump, which is pushed by a Rio 2500 (748gph) and a single hagen aquaclear 402 (125gph) inside the main tank moving water. This is a 55g tank; fish and live rock now . . . with hopes of more diversity soon.


Active Member
asbury, a maxijet MP40o should be fine
fender, good luck with your rios. They typically are decent pumps, however when they do die they have been prone ot create more problems, so keep up on themand if they show any signs of deterioraion or possible failure get them out quick.
I do agree with placement, criss cross is a good pattern.
trippclark, yes we do figure in the sump as well. In a 55 like yours, I would have probably 3 hagen 201's instead of a 402, but you could keep the 402 and add 2 more 201's and you should be fine. IMO unless you are keeping ponies or something that needs low current, I like haveing ALOT personally. In your set up I would probably have 11 to 1300 gph or so.