1 More Q On Cowfish Help???


ok he died from being stressed out.... he was a longhorn cowfish. Its been 8 hours since he passed.. if he did release toxins would it have effected corals, and fish by now??? The second he died i pulled him right out, he was stressed show i sat there and watched him 2 hours he died then pulled out..all my fish seem ok and corals are out levels are good>how long uslly it takes to now if your in the clear????


Active Member
sorry to hear that:( , you should be ok, I lost one in my nano, everything was fine, here is his replacement:) doing great


Glad everything made it for you two. Sorry about the loss.


Active Member
I think you are in the clear by now.....cowfish are really not good for a reef anyway....they eat all kinds of worms, blow a jet stream of water in the sand to uncover creatrures to eat, and in my experiences....... take nice chunks out of corals around the time they reach four or five inches.