#1 Must Have Book


I know there are several great books out there about saltwater aquariums. If you had to pick only one, which would it be? Not a book on one thing only (clownfish, tangs, etc.) but an overall view of things.
saltwaterfish.com the paperback version.:D :D
No, just kidding. "The Concientious Marine Aquarist" gets my vote.
(At least until one of us edits all these posts into a book:)

nm reef

Active Member
I'd have to offer a split vote....
"The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Fenner
"The Reef Aquarium Vols 1&2" by Delbeek & Sprung
There are a few others worth having but those 3 cover much of the hobby.
NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my men...beer for my horses.”


I did a book poll a few months ago. the overwhelming choice was
"The Conscientious Marine Aquarist". Do a search for "Book Poll" to see the results.


I found this book by Robert M. Fenner, in 1998. Is this the right one? Is there a later update than 1998? I only ask since I know how much techniques and tools change quickly.


I am looking at the copywrite page...
Copyright 2001 by TFH Publications, Inc,
First printing 1998. Revised and reprinted 1999, 2001.
There is no mention of a version 2 for this book. I ordered my copy from one of the online book sellers.


Active Member
I have a bunch of older books from when I first got into the hobby(from like the early 90's) it's funny to see the difference between now and then. Like when Xenia were considered new and exciting additions to the list of available coral....or Remember when keeping an Anemone with clownfish, awas considered a must, but not a bubble tip, because back then they were called Red Gelam anemones, and bristle worms were scary scary things that could kill your corals. My point being books will become out dated, my favorite resource is boards, and research web pages from different universities.