1 or 2 pumps?


I am converting from 2 submersible pumps to an external setup, due to heat issues.
I purchased two Iwaki WMD30RLXT pumps Rated at 960 GPH @ 4ft. They were originally intended to power each return on my 120g dual overflow w/1in drains. but now it seems like overkill, the drains are only rated at 600-700 gph, so I would have to slow the flow of both of the pumps. should I just install one pump with a tee in it and let it run full blast? or will that not give me enough turnover for a reef?
Confused, Mobi :D :D
I have one pump with three overflows, with great results. If one pump is suffiecient, go with that. Using a ball valve to trim back a pump is clearly harder on the pump than having it function unobstructed. You got a nice pump, use it to its best potential.
I have a similar set-up (125g tank, 900 gph pump, 1" drain pipe overflows) and one pump was MORE than enough for the two overflows (HOB) I had. I ended up adding a third to directly supply a refugium, because I had enough flow to do it. I was still trimming back the pump with a ball valve with the two overflows. Now I leave it wide open. The pump keeps all three overflows working smoothly. Of course, trial and error with your own system is always the best determining factor.
Good Luck,


Thanks for your input. I was thinking 2 pumps would be more heat as well. I think I will go with the one, and keep the second as a backup.