***** $1 per gal deal wow!!


just to let everyone know, If you have a ***** in your area they have $1 per gal for all glass aquariums. hoods and light are extra,and 90gal the limit. I think I am buying a 90.I think If you by a 90 for $90 you will still make out. any body know the best style of hood and light i should get,and where,maybe on line. Thanks.


Fish only or Reef?
Glass Canopy is best
For FO tank get a double strip light set up. Your fish will look much better in good lighting. Full Spectrum Bulbs and pony up for the better bulbs. Your fish will look so much better.
Well this is a broad topic. Lighting determines the type of reef you can have. 3 watts per gallon is minimum for non-stonys. So 8 bulbs * 30Watts per bulb= 240 watts. Divided by 90 and you are not even at 3 watts per gallon. This means nothing more than mushrooms, Leathers, or other tolerant types. 5 Watts/gal for Stonys if not more.
TO get a reef your going to need VHO, Power Compact or Sodium Metal Halide lighting. IF your going to go this route be sure you want a Reef because it is very expensive to set up these lighting systems compared to flourescents.
Hope that helps...

sinner's girl

that's cool. when i was there they were selling the whole set up (don't remember how much) and depending on the size of the tank you got a store credit for fish.
ummm....I wonder how much of what we have for our 55gl would transfer over to a 90?
I think the filter would still work, as would the lights, and powerhead, not sure about the heater. I wonder if sinner will go for a bigger tank, instead of better lights...


I've looked into this deal and out of ten *****'s in the greater D.C. area only one had heard of this and told me that I was dreaming. Did you get a coupon in the mail or do you have any other info? I've E-mail'ed the company and if I hear back I will post there responce..


Here's the ***** deal... This was a target marketing program directed at there P.A.L.S. members. Of 1.5 million members only 250k were offered this deal and it requiered a coupon. If you need more info goto <a href="http://www.*****.com" target="_blank">www.*****.com</a> use the contact us link and call there 800#. I'm kinda bummed... a new 90 would have been nice. If anyone has one of those coupons there not gonna use send it this way!!!

kris walker

Active Member
And FWIW, think about not buying from a ***** if you see horrible pet or fish husbandry practices. The consumer has the power to inspire change.

sinner's girl

sinner called the one near him and they laughed. i'm trying to find one near me, (i live on the lower end of the state) so far can't find in the phone book, will call info.
I WANT A BIGGER TANK!! this may be my only chance for awhile, sinner went for the idea!
think someone could copy a copnond and send it to everyone?
btw~ the fish at the ***** near us is cool. we got both clowns from there and both are alive and well. there fish are cool, and the people seem to know a few things...not all are bad, i'll take a good deal no matter where it's at.

sinner's girl

just called ***** and talked to someone. you have to be a P.A.L.s member that's why when poeple call they say no. so check your mail box! i think sinner told them no to sending him coupons, but we are P.A.L. members but you do have to have the coupon and all stores have it! was told good from 20 to 90gl tanks.
I almost had a bigger tank!