1 piece of live rock


Active Member
Will adding one piece of live rock to my system give me an ammonia spike? I have a 55 g w/ about 15 lbs live rock and 40 lbs base rock. My tank is about 3 months old. What do you think?


is it cured? if it is then is should be fine as long as you don't ass to much. if it is not cured then cure it first. even the cured rock should sit a bucket with a powerhead and filter for a few weeks, but that is unnessary


Active Member
I'm getting it from my lfs so it won't be cured, I wasn't sure if 1 piece would do a lot of dammage or not. If so, I'll wait until the fish are out of my QT and put it in there to cure. I've havn't had to use any medicine in my QT (I've just used it for new fish so far) so it should be fine.
So you think even one piece would do some damage and should be cured first?


i wouldnt take the chance, not worth it. but im not an expert so hopefully others will answer your ? too


Active Member
Yes, better not take the chance. It would depend on the size as opposed to the tank, if the rock is well scrubbed with really litte die off on it but I still would not take the chance. Cure it in your QT.

payton 350

how big of a piece? if it;s not too big then just scrub it down real good and put it in.... are you sure it's uncured at the lfs .....a lot of times at the lfs it's already cured unless it's a newer shipment....check first


Active Member
I put uncured liverock in my DT quit often. But I put one piece at the a time in there and my tank handles the load. But I also had about 70 pounds already cured and running in my tank before I started this. So my system was able to withstand the added bioload. I personally think you would be okay espcially since you don't have any fish in there yet. Go ahead and do it and check chemistry and change water as needed. But I think you will be fine unless it is a hughe piece.


Active Member
I do have fish in there. I have 2 clownfish and an sfe, but I'm going to go w/ the better safe than sorry theory and wait until my QT is empty. Unless I buy a pretty small piece.