1.something or less nano reef

nvm i found a light in my garage 60watts good enough to grow coral for a 1.8 gallon tank.
Why so small?
because i was taking care of my friends aquarium and the adiction cought on to me an well i want an aquarium and i just happened to have a 1.8 gallon aquarium and i found a .5 gallon aquarium which ill add on to my 1.8 gallon tank as a refugium :)


Hmm, just a thought, but a half gallon refugium won't do much. If you have a little room, and don't mind that it is alot biger than your display, how about a 5 or 10 gallon refuigium? Granted, it sorta defeats the purpose of testing your "skill" as a reefkeeper, but it will make that itty bitty aquarium that much more stable and likely to succeed. Just my 2 cents. Like broomer says, your tank, your choice. :) Good luck on whatever you decide!
i forgot to metion that my parents dont want me to have one till grades go up and i could do that which im doing but it will take till december but i cant wait that long and i wana try a little tank.
lol my home made power head.....a small motor covered in ruber, so water doesnt rust it... good enough for a 1.8 gallon tank...lol...love these nano tanks...find all i need in the garage.
now i got to look for 1lb of live rock and 1.5 lb live sand:( anyone out there willing to sell...i will pay for shipping too.

pa reef pig

Sounds like youre a youngster. Great to hear that more kids are becoming interested in the hobby. However, keeping a reef with corals in not like keeping a goldfish. I hate to say this, but the 1.8 gallon with a .5 gallon fuge doesn't sound like a rational idea. Especially for a beginner. You will just end up discouraged and dissapointed. There is quite a bit of responsibility both educationally and financially. If you are very intent on having a reef tank but do not yet have the money to do what is needed to be at least somewhat sucessfull, then I would wait till you can accomodate the hobby. If you are serious about this and would like to do it right, then you may need your parents help with some of the expenses. As far as jumping right in to the hobby, well, I wish it were that easy. I would suggest you spend as much time researching this hobby as you can. This board can be very usefull. I wish I knew about it when I started. Also get your parents interested and let them come here and ask some questions. And be prepared to give all your allowance to the fish store for the rest of your life!....LOL.


I tend to agree with PA reef. A 1.8 gallon micro-nano would be cool as hell, but very difficult, and you would very likely not be able to keep any fish in it at all. Perhaps a shrimp, and a mushroom or two, thats about it. Now if you hook it up to a 10 gal or bigger refugium, it will still be a difficult tank to keep up with, but easier than a 1.8 with a half gallon refugium. I know your money is tight, but you can get a 10 gallon aquarium at wal-mart for about 9 buck, with no lid or stand of course. Most of the expense isn't in the tank though, which is a good thing. That ten can hold 20 pounds of sand, give or take, and 12 pounds of live rock, definitely a plus.
lol.. i tryed that they think its a waste of money and the fish and inverts will die fast :( i have researched a lot about this hobby and well i thought this 1.8 gallon might work....i have been thinking that its not stable and wouldnt want the inverts to die....oh well i guess ill have to wait...well if i do i have my eye on a 65 gallon aquarium in the lfs... oh well i guess ill wait:( kinda disappointed


I have a 65 myself, Very nice tank. Dunno what your lfs wants for that one, but if you want a tank almost as big, and it will probably be cheaper, you might look at petsmart or walmart for a 55 gallon tank. I know for a fact that petsmart sells 55's for right around 100 bucks with the crap fish-only style lids. An iron stand will cost about 70, unless you want to try to build your own, thats ALOT cheaper and stronger if done right. Will take alot more allowance, but its worth it for the added enjoyment.


I just had an idea.....Christmas is around the corner, how about asking for like a gift certificate to your lfs or Petsmart? hehe

pa reef pig

Im glad youre willing to listen to reason. That 65 gallon sounds like a MUCH BETTER alternative (and a 20 gallon refugium would be sweet to add on to that! -just a thought). Be patient. Good luck, Let me know how it comes along.


I love my 65, and its not even close to being finished. And 318 bucks is definitely enough to get a 55 if you go that route, get it drilled, build/buy a stand, and perhaps buy some sand to get halfway started. And I HIGHLY recommend getting it drilled, overflow boxes CAN be more leak/flood prone than drilled tanks.