1 year old tank but no copepods??


My tank has been up and running for exactly 1 year now but I see no signs of copepods? are they visible in the day or only at night? either way I haven't seen any. Do I have to dump a bottle in there to get them started?


Active Member
Have you added any live rock if so how much? Also what do you have for fish?
Many fish prey on copepods so your population may be being erradicated by predation or the copepods are hiding while the lights are on and the fish are hunting, try using a flashligh on your tank at night and see if you can see any on your rock.


50 gal tank.. tons of rocks not sure about exactly amount. I have a watchman goby, yellow clown goby , firefish, 2 clownfish, 2 Green Chromis , 1 crab and numerous snails.

aztec reef

Active Member
They're there, u just can't see them cause they're getting devoured by the gobys. And the remainders come out at dark.
They will eventually multiply again. U can give it alittle boost by increasing feeding portions slightly.
Or by getting a lbs of lr rubble.
Pods are part of the food chain, if fishes, corals, inverts, don't have adecuade food food source.. They will feed on pods
Having such inhabitants, should have a pod cultur
e refuge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
They're there, u just can't see them cause they're getting devoured by the gobys. And the remainders come out at dark.
They will eventually multiply again. U can give it alittle boost by increasing feeding portions slightly.
Or by getting a lbs of lr rubble.
Pods are part of the food chain, if fishes, corals, inverts, don't have adecuade food food source.. They will feed on pods
Having such inhabitants, should have a pod cultur
e refuge.
There you go is right... I have a 50 fuge that makes lots of Pods, a 2-1 rock to tank size ratio and I seldom see any Pods in my DT. I have two Pod eating Gobies in mine too!! They are eating as soon as they reach the DT..................
i have a 55 gal, and when i had my scooter blenney i hardly saw any. now that he has passed away, i have hundreds. what i did to help, because i dont have room for a fuge under the tank , i took a HOB filter and took out all the filters and put rubble rock and shells in there, with no lighting. works well for me. they stay safe and its cheap.
Someone asked about a fuge, good question, do you have one? if not, they work well to populate pods. Also if you have a UV Sterilizer, that may be depleting your population.
Try turning off your lights, and lightly stir a part of your sand, then look, if you have pods, you should see some then.


Can I ask what HOB filter you used? I've got one and don't think I have any pods either. I have pleny of rubble rock and shells to put in there, but I've currently got some polypad in there to control my phospates. Can I have the poly pad and rubble?
i just put a 50 gal HOB filter on. bigger the better. i keep poly pad as well but were the water is returned to the tank. might be best to buy some off here and jump start your population. just a suggestion.
I have tons on my LR. Whenever I pick up a rock or a frag there all over the place. If you don't have a fuge put one on.
The other thing to do is check with a flashlight after about 30 minutes from when your lights go out.