1 yr old-ish 120g


Here's my 1 yr old-ish 120g tank. Bought it used last August for around 200$ for the tank, homemade stand, and some extra equipment. We've spent a million gajillion dollars on this thing. Bought new Halides for it. 2-150W with actinics and moonlights, we also bought a new skimmer for it. I used the 29g tank that I upgraded from as the sump. Feel free to ask questions and whatnot.



The fish I have in there right now are:
Kole tang
A new baby sailfin tang that was added just yesterday
Sixline wrasse
2 black clowns (false percs)
2 green mandarins (one of which I am positive eats prepared food the other was a surprise fish and I'm not sure if he's eating prepared yet or not.)
Bi-color blenny
As for corals. The tank is mostly LPS and softies with one SPS in there. And an anemone. I also have 3 clams. 2 croceas and 1 maxima, though I'm not sure if the maxima is going to make it. I think the foot might have been damaged when it was bought, but it looks like it might heal up and get better. Hopefully



Looks great, where in VA are you? Want to do some trading? I see you've got shroons, but I do have a frag of Silver Xenia, it just separated today from the colony. Do you have this color shroon?



I live down in Yorktown. I don't have much to frag since the tank is still young. But I do have a few red and a few blue shrooms hanging around the tank that I can trade.