$10 bubble coral..whoop whoop


I got this once $50 bubble coral for $10 today...it looks pretty sad and is not doing very well. I am hoping i can bring this thing back. Any fast tips to help me along the way?


Active Member
That will definitely help. Spot feed it with mysis shrimp if yo ucan. I did that with a very sick bleached brain every night and he came back. It will also help if you get phytoplankton or zooplankton in the water column as they will absorb it and use it for food. Your other corals will like it too :)


i think i really got an awesome deal...its a bubble coral attached to a branch of fiji LR. Its not just one its actually two bubble coral. I already see the tentacles sweeping around. Its mostly a dark gray color.


Active Member
He's attatched himself to a piece of live rock? Thats not just his skeleton? Wow. Thats a rarity. Usually they are skeleton only. Grey is good. I think. Bubbles are usually a nice light pink, green, or yellow. So long as he isn't white.....


the rock looks great, it has a lot of coraline aglae growing on it. The only thing is, its so tiny, about the size of a quater and the other is a size of a dime.