10 gal clean-up


Active Member
Mark'smagic has a great point. you need ot feed crabs you put in your tank - even though they scavenge unless you specifically feed them something once in a while they will scavenge.
I would suggest in a 10 gallon:
5 Nass. Snails
2/3 Astrea Snails
1/2 Margarita Snails
1/2 Cerith Snails
3/5 Blue Legs or Red Legs .... one or the other ....
some extra shells (just a few) and slowly add the snails over time. I like my margarita's but they eat a slime algea that once they cleaned they all died ....
I have had some blue legs eat hair algea (yeah) but they also eat each other (time to feed when you see that).
Shrimp are more delicate. Wait a while to ge the tank and your routine stablized before you go adding some shrimp. I like the scarlet skunks - lots of personalities!
Good luck - lots of good advice in this thread!!