10 gal refugium idea

I have an 18 gallon high tank and am THINKING of doing a 10 gallon refugium. I have seen many diagrams on this site on how to set it all up, but was wondering if I did take the plunge and go for it, what equipment am I looking at? The 10 gal tank of course, but what else. Also, if anyone has an absolute awesome diagram that is pretty easy to understand on putting it all together, I would love to see it or have it emailed to me (ken.gassiot@ttu.edu).
Thanks guys and gals!


just got through putting a 20L under my 55. if your tank isnt drilled, you'll need an overflow. if you decide to put your fuge under your display, you'll need a pump to get the water back up to the display.. those two were my biggest expense, and the rest was just plumbing. luckily, i got a CPR overflow and mag-drive 5 pump used from the guy that works at the LFS and saved myself about $100 :D . There are alot of helpful posts that i searched for on the board and found ideas and answers for technical questions that i had. good luck!


Active Member
Also = post this stuff in the DIY section as there are a lot of knowledgeable people who hang out there that can help out quickly!