10 gal tank question


Active Member
For all you 10 gal people out there. I would like to know what kind(s) of
filter(s) are you running on your tank??
Do you find the filter to be enough or do you also run powerheads and what size of one would you recommend??
I am not looking to blast everything in the tank as 10 gal is not that big...



This is my current 10 gallon setup:
2 whisper filters (not the bio wheels)
1 maxi jet 600
2x40 Current USA Orbit
If I had to do it again I would add more LR (still may as I only have 5 pounds) and use a AC 70 modded into a fudge. Then I would not need to worry about the filters as the LS, LR and fudge would be enough. In the fudge I would keep LR rubble, LS and chaeto.
Also, right now I run phosguard for a few weeks, take a week off, etc. And I have a good size amount of chaeto placed behind some LR in my tank. If you are wondering why two filters, it is so one I can alternate replacing the filter cartridges. Everything seems to be working out so far and that Orbit light is def. the way to go if you want to do corals. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I have an Aquaclear 70 and a hagen? mini filter that's only 15 gallons per hour or something hanging off the side. No powerheads. I have live rock rubble and carbon in the Aquaclear and nothing in the little one.


Active Member
Thanks all for the replies.
My tank has a mini aqaclear fitler running on it. I have positioned it so that the flow is right in the middle to have movement on either side. The tank is a down grade from my 25 gal from 4 months ago. Everything including sand, rock, filter etc are all from the 25 gal.
The reason I asked about fitlers and powerheads is that on one side of the tank I seem to have what I think is cyano. In the morning when the lights first come on it starts to appear. In the evening before the lights go out it disappears completley.
It is not spreading at all, it stays in the one area but does not have the cob web look to it like cyano so maybe it is red algae I don't know.
Anyhow, I thought maybe more movement would help but I don't want to blast my mushrooms and anemone out of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
I have an Aquaclear 70 and a hagen? mini filter that's only 15 gallons per hour or something hanging off the side. No powerheads. I have live rock rubble and carbon in the Aquaclear and nothing in the little one.

so what you have is 2 filters on your tank??


Originally Posted by Debbie
For all you 10 gal people out there. I would like to know what kind(s) of
filter(s) are you running on your tank??
Do you find the filter to be enough or do you also run powerheads and what size of one would you recommend??
I am not looking to blast everything in the tank as 10 gal is not that big...

Hi Debbie, It's good to hear from someone else that has a 10gal tank. I have a Whisper Power Filter model 30 with an Aqualinght Deluxe Series. The flow of water is also pointed down the middle of my tank and if it's cyano your getting I've used something called (Chemiclean) red slime remover. You might be feeding your fish a little too much. What all do you have in your tank?


Active Member
Yeah I have two filters, when we rearranged the tank my leathers weren't getting much flow and wouldn't open so I stuck a little extra filter from my 2.5 setup on the side blowing water across the tank. I ran filter floss in it for a while but now it's just moving water. I hate the look of powerheads. Cyano just seems to be a phase usually, try putting a small powerhead blowing that direction and leave your lights out for a few days then do a big water change. I wouldn't use chemicals personally but I've only had a few tiny spots of it ever, I would say you need more flow though at least 15x hour turnover is good.


just to clarify from my previous post - the maxi jet 600 is a powerhead. I have 2 filters plus a powerhead. Also, if you are experiencing cyano, before you resort to chemicals such as red slime remover (aka chemiclean) you may want to consider a free option that works well. I What I do is about once a month kill the lights for 3 days. I have softies for corals and they are fine during this blackout and the tank inhabitants seem unaffected. There is a thread on reefcentral about it by aquabucket with many people posting there results. If your tank is new, algae is just something you will go through. After the blackout, 95 % of my algae/cyano will be gone and I can simply siphon out the rest. The water quality will look pristine as well. Just something to consider before adding chemicals in the tank, but if you have tried everything else, go with the chemiclean. Good luck with your nano.


Hi Debbie, I agree with jba6511. It's just that it seem like I did try everything and nothing seemed to work so I tryed my last resort. The problem is that if the red slime get out of control then you got a big mess on your hands. The Chemiclean worked well and did not affect anything else in my tank. Use it as a last resort but don't wait too long or else. Take it from someone that had the same problem.


In my 10 gal I have a Cascade Bio-falls, and a MJ 400. 15 lbs of LR, 20 lbs of LS, 3 hermits, a sandsifting star, 2 stomatellas, and 1 damsel. For lighting I have 2x20w mini 50/50 pc's and 1 15w 50/50 fl. All I have for corals are a couple of shrooms and zoos. Everything has been fine for 6 months or so with no casualties!!