10 gallon 6 pack


Active Member
Very nice tank!
I see you have quite a few Cladocora sp. in your tank. Have you placed all of these in the tank, or has the original colony spawned, creating many new corals?


All the Cladocora came on the lr, although it suffered considerbly during shipping. I must say that it seems to be quite indestructable. As for spawning I think it has begun to; I have no other explaination for the small, individual corallites that have begun to appear on clear spots on the rock far from any existing Cladocora. Here is a pic on the first day. There is a lot of skeleton showing but they have now fleshed-up nicely.


That's on the "to do" list I just have not done it yet. Thanks for the kind words all.
Also, I have a few Cladocora sp. frags for those interested; they are pieces that broke off during shipping but all are in great condition, and as you can see I have plenty.


Tank looks great, and it looks like the carribean to me! I really like the theme tanks like that.
I would be interested in a frag if that was possible...it looks very similar (although I do not know if it is) to the tubistrea (sun coral). Is it similar, or is it just similar in looks? If it similar, then I will be able to keep it healthy (I have two sun corals, both doing great). But if it is not similar, then what are its requirements?


Active Member
The difference is he's got light a light needing coral. They look similar but whats he's got can produce zooxanthellae thus you need some pc's for them. You can't buy them around here. Thats all i know....


Oh I got lights for that...
If the offer is still out there, I would love a frag. Let me know if you are still up for that, and if so, please save one for me. If not, no big deal.