10 gallon aquarium sump tank help


So im in the process if repairing a leak in my 20 gallon and.after that I am moving everything in my 10 gallon to my 20 gallon tank. I would like to know how to turn my 10 gallon tank into a sump/refugium?


Originally Posted by DustinTX http:///t/390881/10-gallon-aquarium-sump-tank-help#post_3463699
So im in the process if repairing a leak in my 20 gallon and.after that I am moving everything in my 10 gallon to my 20 gallon tank. I would like to know how to turn my 10 gallon tank into a sump/refugium?
It's easy, all you need to do is look at one of the billion plans on the internet or youtube, cut a couple (3 or 4 depends on the plan) pieces of plexi-glass, silicone them in, and your set. Research it first though, the first one I made had a minor design flaw that I'm still kicking myself about.


Im not sure what to put in it. Im here for any advice or suggestions u all have. My main tank is just going to be a fowlr for the time being until I get this salt water thing down.


Originally Posted by DustinTX http:///t/390881/10-gallon-aquarium-sump-tank-help#post_3463704
Im not sure what to put in it. Im here for any advice or suggestions u all have. My main tank is just going to be a fowlr for the time being until I get this salt water thing down.
There are many option and many opinions. For a good basic refugium I'd go with Mineral Mud, capped with 1/2" sand, and throw in some chaetomorpha, put a 6,500k bulb on it and your set.


I would break it down into a skimmer chamber, refugium and return chamber, put sand and some kind of macro, there is many, you can by a simple clip on work light from home depot and put in a 23 watt 3-6k cfl bulb and you would be set for a refuge
Trust me the bulbs work well, my plants seem to double in size every night.


So somebody give me a diagram and what materials,pumps I will need for it please? Ive looked online with no luck.


just look up aquarium sump designs, and trust me, you will find something. Look harder, thats part of this hobby.


Active Member
This is about all you will have room for in a 10 gal sump. If and when you get a skimmer you can pull out the refugium and put it in its place.

My 10 Gallon Sump


Active Member

So you'd rather have a refugium than a skimmer? I can't imagine running without a skimmer, it pulls so much crap out. Sorry to go off topic.
In a 10 gal there is not enough room for a three chamber sump. As to the point to what to put in the sump I would use a skimmer and cram some chaetomorpha in there also.


Awesome,now that I,transfered everything from my 10 to 20 gallon tank I can start getting supplies for my 10 gal sump.