10 gallon equipment question


Active Member
You should be fine with JUST the clown, damsels are very agressive and territorial and may kill the clown. If you plan on adding any more than 1 clown then i do believe a skimmer would be in order. Anenommes are very fragile and require a very well established tank and prestine water conditions in addition to great lighting (metal halides for example).


I don't recommend an anemone for a 10...I did it and mine lasted about two months. Maybe with really good lighting, like the MH you will succeed, but get that wallet ready!


If you have really, really, good water quality and your tank is established you could probably handle an anemone.
As far as a skimmer, my personally recommendation for a 10 gallon nano is a Skilter 250. It is a combination skimmer/filter. They don't do much for larger tanks but IMO are great for nanos. I have a Skilter 500 on my 20. I love it, however some have had problems, especially on larger tanks.