10 Gallon Frag Tank Build with Refugium and LED's

still no glass -_-. These people suck. They didn't want to deliver my glass because it was "raining". Now I have to wait another week. Such bull
So after 3 weeks the glass company still managed to screw everything up. I googled another place and they gave me the glass the same day. Tonight will be the build! Finally!


Ok a couple questions. Would a par38 led bulb give a good result. Not into wiring. Can you show me a front view of your back wall where the fuge and in and out are set up. Wondering how high the in flow is and out flow and inside fuge what the height of walls are.
Originally Posted by morgan175 http:///t/389047/10-gallon-frag-tank-build-with-refugium-and-leds/20#post_3438474
Ok a couple questions. Would a par38 led bulb give a good result. Not into wiring. Can you show me a front view of your back wall where the fuge and in and out are set up. Wondering how high the in flow is and out flow and inside fuge what the height of walls are.
I honestly gave up on the wiring kits. I just bought a fixture that will be more than enough. Honestly, and LED questions ask 2Quills. He knows his stuff
Originally Posted by morgan175 http:///t/389047/10-gallon-frag-tank-build-with-refugium-and-leds/20#post_3438474
Ok a couple questions. Would a par38 led bulb give a good result. Not into wiring. Can you show me a front view of your back wall where the fuge and in and out are set up. Wondering how high the in flow is and out flow and inside fuge what the height of walls are.

Here's my basic layout. The acrylic piece is going to go straight across. So it's going to be a 17.5 inch x 6.5 inch tall piece. Im going to cut a square out (red square) so the water can go in. The green lines represent my dividers. One is going to be roughly 5 - 5.5 inches x 4 inches and the other will be a slight shorter. I'm making my refugium a box that is 4 x 6.5 x 17.5. The pink dot represent the 1/2 hole I'm going to drill for the bulkhead. The pump is going to sit in the last slot. It's going to feed it back into the main tank. The blue lines represent the flow. it's going to drop, then go up and over the first divider, and over the mud, sand, and chateo. I'm most likely going to use a par bulb for my refugium light. Just an all white . Nothing to fancy


Active Member
Nice frag tank - this is just a suggestion but why don't you make a sump for it - put an internal overflow right in the middle and have some spray bars return the water. By the time you put everything in the frag tank you might run out of real estate, JMHO. You can put everything in your sump get a 20 gallon long - even add an AS (beat snake to this one). I am currently drawing up a frag tank about 24 by 48 by 12 high - I want to put an overflow smak in the middle.
Originally Posted by Al&Burke http:///t/389047/10-gallon-frag-tank-build-with-refugium-and-leds/20#post_3438658
Nice frag tank - this is just a suggestion but why don't you make a sump for it - put an internal overflow right in the middle and have some spray bars return the water. By the time you put everything in the frag tank you might run out of real estate, JMHO. You can put everything in your sump get a 20 gallon long - even add an AS (beat snake to this one). I am currently drawing up a frag tank about 24 by 48 by 12 high - I want to put an overflow smak in the middle.
only thing is I have no where to put a sump, and I can't drill into the glass because its on my desk. I basically have no means of getting the water down even if I had a sump

Here's the refugium added. Going to wait a day to dry, then the tank should be up and running, dare I say it, TOMORROW! :D
It's been up and running for a day, but just began to install the lights. Should be done within the hour, then pics will go up of 100% complete
The lamp in the back is the heat lamp for the refugium. Finally have everything up and running, and even have people coming in tomorrow to buy some frags!