10 gallon fuge/reef


pa reef pig

If i just want to have a small tank to grow some caulerpa and maybe have a seahorse or two, will it be acceptable to use 3 small under-counter hallogen bulbs and an actinic 15w? I souldnt really matter since I dont plan on keeping "coral" in that tank, right? The hallogens look kinda cool, shimmers like a MH. Just a thought, and have alot of extra stuff sitting around and would like to do something different with it.

pa reef pig

Need and want are very different in my current situation. I WANT decent PCs but cant spend more money. I already have the halogens.


pretty much any kind of light can be used for growing calurpa. I use a 20w no flor on my ten gal refugium and have had no problems with growth. Use what ever you have including an incandescent if you have one.