10 gallon kitchen nano


Active Member
all of those SPS corals are still doing fine under the PC bulbs? That is an awesome tank so colorful- speaking of colorful did you tweak the contrast in any of the pics b/c that blood shrimp is so red there is almost no detail on his body- eitherway it is a killer 10 gallon:)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Hey all... I've been off of the board for a while, and got an email that someone posted. I'll try and provide updated pics this week of the tank, which is doing great. There is mad warfare always going on, but that forces me to frag. In regards to the pics, they are all 100% untweaked. I had to knock down the resolution to fit the pics, and so my blood shrimp looked fluorescent.
I've also added a lot of things, including a second maxima clam... this one blue. I gave my large squamosa to another club member and replaced it with a baby. The three clams are doing great, along with the sps. I've added many new sps too, and I'll list when I get the pics. Any more questions please ask... the setup is going great... The calcium uptake has been crazy... I'm using kalkwasser (about 1/2 gallon a day with 3/4 teaspoon of powder per gallon) and on top of that 5ml of B-ionic every morning. I am continually doing 1 gallon changes a week also.


Active Member
The calcium uptake has been crazy... I'm using kalkwasser (about 1/2 gallon a day with 3/4 teaspoon of powder per gallon) and on top of that 5ml of B-ionic every morning. I am continually doing 1 gallon changes a week also.
I don't understand... 1/2 gallon a day of kalkwasser? You do a 1/2 gal water change everyday?


ok, my question is this. you have all those corals, and fish, but no filtration or a protien skimmer. how is this so? because i current have had a 10 gallon nano set up for 10 months now. everything taht i ahve is listed below. newest additions are sea horse and yellow sea slug. plz tell me how you dont need a filter or protien skimmer. because i dont really want to have to buy a skimmer. thanx. and if you dont mind, could i post a pic of my tank on this thread so you can see it? my friend has a digital camera and i want to post a pic of my tank so i can have an expert nano reef owner see what i need. so far the only comments i have had were:
- your over stocked
- your have to much
- (and heres my favorite) "wow bring your fish back to the store, you have way to much stuff, and way to many fish for a 10gallon.
are these ppl wrong? or just dont know about nanos? thank you brooklynjohnny.


Active Member
i would say your tank is slightly overstocked but not too bad- that clarkii clown will outgrow it though- and on that small of a tank, no you dont need a skimmer but i would recomend a better filter than what you have along with 2X monthly water changes- about his filteration- the fuge asts as a filter- and an effective one at that- but since you dont have one i would keep on top of waterchanges. AND since you seem like the type of person who dosent believe anyones advice unless they have a nice tank - here is a pic of my 20 gallon- (not trying to jack your thread johnny):)

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
vibe hey I'm glad to help! On a little side note my mother lives in Coral Springs! kickster it's cool post away ;)
kickster answered your filter question... I have a refugium that IMO offers the best filtration possible along with many other benefits. Gone are the days of reefing where we basically kept our tanks STERILIZED and over filtered! I have 15-20 pounds of high quality live rock, lots of water flow, and the fuge. I have a lot of nutrients being created as I feed a lot, but they are all getting taken care of through macroalgae growth in the refugium and proper nitrogen cycling throughout my system. I never register nitrates which is a tremendous benefit to the corals more than anything. This is more of a natural system.
Looking at your system the one thing kickster hit on is true with the clarkii, as they eventually grow too big for a 10 IMO too. Looks like you need more circulation too. But it's tough to tell... how's your system doing and do you have any major problems?
Regarding stocking (and overstocking for that matter) there are two things to look at IMO. One is overstocking by TERRITORY. This can happen in some 4 or 6 foot tanks with 2 or 3 or 4 tangs in it just as an example. Depending on the species and many other things, a lot of times this doesn't work out. It's not that they fight to the death, sometimes there are little squables and constant aggrevation eventually leading to a drop in the immune system then sickness. Number two is OVERSTOCKING by bioload. A 10 gallon is not a 10 gallon is not a 10 gallon for instance. In my tank I am lucky to not be too limited by bioload because I have a very efficient filter for just 16 or 17 gallons total in the system. However everybody is limited by territory even if you have a 30 gallon hooked up to the ocean where bioload is not a problem. Get it?
The best thing to do for novice refers is keep it simple and don't push the bounderies, and I think a good forst thing would be to get rid of you clown, whenever you want really but eventually you'll have to I think. Leave pushing the bounderies to more experienced reefers and this will allow you to learn more and enjoy the hobby...
And by the way post you tank and give more details...
Here's an updated shot of my ten...
Johnny, would you be willing to take your canopy off and turn the lights off and show me a detailed picture of how and what you used to construct your canopy? I would very much like to start a 10 or 20L gallon nano myself.


would i be better off with a perc clown? and get rid of the cardinal? plus i am going to make a filter change real soon. im going to run a new filter and my old one in teh same tank, then get rid of the old one. will this work? and i might also be giving back the slugs. tell me your opinions. and i take coments and opinions from anyone regaurdless of what they ahve kickster, btw way nice setup:D .


Active Member
:D - thanks- but yes i would take back the slugs- see if you can get some credit b/c they wont make it unfortunatly


I can't stand it ... gotta get one of them for my office, wife is gonna shoot me. Still in the process of completing my 55 gal.
Are these little tanks hard to manage?