10 gallon nano - done cycling now


Active Member

For those interested:
This tank has finished cycling - took 19 days to complete initial cycle using thawed out silversides.
Hung the CPR Bak Pak II ( was not using this skimmer on other tanks ) and intalled the optional surface skimmer. I removed the bio-bale material and placed heater in that chamber . Skimmer works good, but bubbles in tank will call for some creative thought. Just running skimmer powerhead with air valve closed for now. Need a couple more pounds of LR then plan to remove the Eheim Liberty 150 power filter.
Water evaporation approx. 1 cup/day
Inhabitants: 0ne blue legged hermit crab LOL
This tank is quite amusing LOL and cracks me up ! :p
[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: broomer5 ]
[ July 03, 2001: Message edited by: broomer5 ]


This is great!
I will be adding LR to my 10gallon this week.
We have the same set up with the CPR BakPak and heater in the chamber.
Its good to know that others attempt the nano reefs.


Active Member
Cool Ray !
Sounds like we're on the same page with these 10's
Most people say it's difficult to keep a 10 gallon saltwater tank - and I do not dispute this fact one bit ...but I will say this ,
The best way to get me to try something is to tell me it can't or shouldn't be done LOLOL :p
I wish you the best on yours as well !
Hey gang-you guys are making me miss my ten gallon big time!! I had one setup for two years and guess what-no victims and no deaths. It was probably my favorite tank I ever had. I had to break it down when I moved. As a matter of fact-I think I'm going to start up another one after looking at pictures! I hate you people, making me spend more money to feed my adiction!! Good work friends, just remember to test the water a little more often then bigger tanks. Once you balance out the ecosytem with cleaners and wasters you'll be fine! Good luck guys. And a reccomendation-choice of corals, star polyps, 'shrooms and some small leathers. What's cool is that these guys grow quick and you can propagate them and put them in your main display reef tank. That's what I did!!


Would 2 25watt flourescents work on a 10 gallon for very low light level corals? I really would like to try my spare 10 gallon for a nano reef!!