10 gallon nano fish suggestions



So I'm in the process of setting up my 10 gallon nano. Its a hexagon tank. I will mostly be using it to grow some chaeto and have some peppermint shrimp. But I also would like to have ONE fish in this tank so that it is not completely boring to look at. Here are some fish I had in mind of putting in (any suggestions would be great):
-pygmy wrasse
-ocellaris clown
-clown goby


Active Member
I would not add the clown goby or the ocellaris. The goby might not be seen much. I don't like clowns in tanks smaller than 20 gallons.
How about a yasha goby and pistol shrimp combo? I think in a small tank like this it would be neat to see a symbiotic relationship.

bang guy

Swap the Ocellaris for a Percula and I think it would be fine in a 10.
Pair of Neon Gobies would be fun, a Barnacle Blenny would also work.
I love the idea of a Pistol Shrimp/Shrimp Goby pair. They are really entertaining.


Pistol shrimp/goby pair would be cool. The only problem is it's a hex tank and there isn't much room on the bottom. It's 20" tall.