10 gallon


well im starting on a new 10 gallon nano..and was wondering how many fish can i put...i was think of puting two perc's,and a sleeper goby?12 snail's,and some zoos?what do u guys think?
thank you


Active Member
That's about right at the limit... but if you're careful I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
And don't forget some hermits - a diverse clean-up crew is key.


HERMITS,YEA,,I SHOULD GET THEM HUH?but the thing is dont u have to buy lots or i mean a few empty shells for them to grow on?im gonna post some pics later on,,,


Active Member
You probably should have a few empties for them, but I've never bothered with it. I generally order my critters on-line as my LFS has obscenely high prices on livestock, and I figure not everyone will survive the trip, so the dead one will leave their shells for the hermits.


Well Actually U Know What..mt Fren Just Got Hired At A Fish Store,were I Usually By All My Salt Water Set Up...so,maybe,hopefully He Can Hook Me Up...oh Another Thing Im Getting These Brown Slime...on Top Of My Live Rocks...should I Take Them Out And Flush It With Fresh Ro Water??tenks


Active Member
10g needs about 3-4 snails and 3-4 hermits. Keep your water up to snuff, and those clowns will be as happy as clowns in a circus. Sleeper goby and zoos are great. Stick with 'hardy' soft corals....


team2 the snails i want to get is the astrea?(spelling)...also the brown slime is that cuz buy my lighting? 2x65.....i turn them on around 7:00am to 8 midnight,then i turn on my lunar lights..was wondering if its healthy for my tank?is it nesseceray to get a skimer for the zoo's?cuz basicly i just want zoo's.dang i'll take some pix when i get my bro's camera back..


Active Member
Brown algae is a normal part of a new tank. Every new tank will get a little of it or a lot of it.


hey bonebrake,,my 10 gallon nano has been runing for 2 weeks,,is it safe to add some snails,,,or a hardy fish....not a damsel,,i was wondering if a perc would be a good choice,cuz i heard that percs are pretty hardy????or should i wait for almosst a month?or anyone can give me advice.how about anemones?a bad idea?


Active Member
Do you have test kits?
If not, buy some and make sure you water chemistry reads zero for ammonia and nitrite. See what your nitrate level is. If your ammonia and nitrite are zero, you can add a few more hermits, snails, or one or two fish.
Don't go for the anemone just yet. Wait until you are very comfortable doing water changes and maintaining your water chemistry.
Read everything you can about the animals you want to keep before you purchase them to make sure you can provide an environment in which they can thrive.
Do searches on here and read the Archives & FAQ.
Good luck!


Active Member
You can leave your lunar lights or 24/7, it won't hurt them and they will not burn out. Buy a digital timer for your main lights. It is essential for the health of your fish and corals to get them used to a consistent cycle of lighting. Set it for around 12 hours of light per day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Catawaba
10g needs about 3-4 snails and 3-4 hermits. Keep your water up to snuff, and those clowns will be as happy as clowns in a circus. Sleeper goby and zoos are great. Stick with 'hardy' soft corals....

I dont think I would be happy if i was a clown for a living .... something tells me that if you became a clown for a you didnt go down the right route somewhere and life didnt turn out the way you wanted it to


no i dont have a test kit yet,,but wull get one by tomorow.i hope my lighting is not to much for a 10 gallon.but the temp seems to be maintainig is temp...around 82?thats good enough?i think? my lighinting is 2x65 coral life.is it necesery to get a skimmer if i want an anemone?or i can just do partial water changes.dang i really wanna show off my tank but my bro still has the camera!!!!..i wanna show u guys my prgress....now ive seen alot of tanks with corilin,,,was wondering how do u get them,,,,do u need some sort of chemical?or just proper lighting?bonebrake,what type of anemone should i get for my ten gallon....instead of buying those corallife timer,can i just buy one that u use for the house,,,i dont if u seen them b4?thank you