10 Gallons


killafins....ummm 60lbs of LR in a 10 gallon tank..i dont think thats possible it would never fit...maybe or should i say hopefully you had a typo


i would have to agree with php. i have had a 10 gallon nano reef tank set up for 10 months now. killafin i have 11 pounds of live rock in mine. 20lbs to 60lbs is by far way to much, non the less impossible. are you a ten gallon reef tank owner? just wanting to know:D . pufferfreak, if you want some good ideas, here are a couple that i have in mind.
- to start off. get 16lbs of live sand. no more than 18-20 though.
- 11- 18 lbs of live rock. no more than 20lbs IMO. i have 11lbs.
- wait for your tank to cycle out for a month, or until water parameters are are good.
- then get what ever your little heart desires.
- a clown (clarkii or percula IMO)
- anemone that isnt to big for the tank
- lots of muchrooms
- colored sea slugs
- after that get anything else that catches your eye.


Active Member
Yeah I would have to agree, I can't see how 60 lbs could fit in a ten gallon. I had 45 lbs of live rock cure in a 20 and that was kinda tight. Also Johnny those maximas are beautiful, wish I had the light to keep them.


Active Member
PhP, Vibe and Nas19320... it wasn't a typo but I was just throwing out random numbers as I previously stated in a previous replying post. I wasn't putting in relative size of tank to amount of pounds. I realized my mistake after pressing the send but was hoping no one would catch it :p .... my point was that when I was first planning a saltwater aquarium I bought a ten gallon because I already had a 20 gallon freshwater. I spent months planning it but didn't get a chance to do it due to a fire. Newhose, I was thinking about brooklynjonny's tank and its one of the best tanks I have ever seen and its a ten gallon.


im glad you realized your mistake killafin:D . but next time, dont "throw in" numbers. think logically about what you type;) . i would also agree that johnny's tank is one of the most impressive reef tanks i have ever seen. im heading in that same direction:D . brooklynjohnny, do you have a protien skimmer in that tank? because if you dont i really want to know, before i buy one for my tank. also, how many filters you have on there? 2? 3?
just wanting to know the details so i dont make any mistakes in the near future. i wish i could post a pic of it. i also have a question. by looking at my profile, what should i add in my tank next? any creative and colorful suggestions? i just added a green seahorse, a slug with yellow and black stripes, and some ghost shrimp for my seahorse. thanx :cool:

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Hey vibe I have NO skimmer... just the fuge, and NO mechanical filtration, just circulation...
Anyway before I hijack this thread do a search for "10 gallon kitchen nano" as that is the latest thread on my nano. I'd be happy to go on and on there about it! Thanks all...


Hi there,
Just curious..."green" Seahorse?? I wanted salt water for the purpose of seahorses but fell in love with the entire species and learned much more than ever imagined. BUT, a GREEN seahorse stumps me? Where did you buy it. The names of Seahorses are Mustangs, Pixies, SunBursts, Zulu, SunFire, Brazilleros & Pintos. These are best when Tank raised...not WILD as they have problems feeding? Now, they do tend to change color pending on Mood & whatever color they Hitch to ie: White Coral hitch makes the ponies turn lighter or white..etc.. I would be curious as to where you got it and what breed it is? I have 2 Mustangs and soon to buy one of the beautiful red or yellow ones, either a pinto or a SunBurst. Let me know if you find the answer to this one> Do you have a pic of the green SH?? Thanks & GL Marsea