10 good reasons to own a steam cleaner


Your post prompted me to check out all my connections and guess what a return line at my mag 7 was a few days away from
poping off it was down to the last two barbs I even had two plastic ties on it they had worked themselves loose. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the post as it prevented major
problems for me :) :) :) :)
Clamchops...glad you caught it before you ended up with the same mess I have!
I have installed the zip ties. You can be sure I'll be checking the connection every single day from now on.
I hate learning the hard way. Anytime any of you experienced reefers are in the area, PLEASE drop by and inspect my system! I'd love your input on how I can make it better and prevent unnecessary disasters! :)


Active Member
How about another reason.
Washing machine hose split on Thanksgiving. One hour before we were going to leave for several hours. Feeling pretty lucky about that. The next day replace the hose, cycle the washer with the new hose. No leaks. Go upstairs and go onto E-bay for the first time. Get hooked and check out a lot that they have to offer. The wife gets home an hour later. The hose was not leaking, but the drain line for the washer was not connected to the house drain line. For an hour the washer was calling for more water, while all the water was draining out of the drain hose.
Not tank related, but certainly close to the point of this post.
BTW do NOT lest them sell you some story about toxic mold. Toxic mold is only toxic for people who are already alergic to mold. Makes sense.


Active Member
just got back from a 10 day vacation...
no one was watching my tank
my fuge evaporated so much that the CPR siphon pump started splashing water all over, the heater was out of the water and broke/melted. a pump was running dry, smelled burning. i set a towel in front of the door of the stand, it was wet, but nothing else. carpet was fine . go figure?
10 days? Boy are you brave! I don't leave my system for even one day let alone 10! :eek: How did you get your fish and corals fed? Do you have everything automated? If so, sounds like you may need an automatic topoff system too!