Trying to post updated tank pictures a little more often. The last set I posted was around Thanksgiving. I have added a huge 12lb rock in the upper right corner. I found I needed more shelving for frags. Got a tons of new stuff over the winter months. Changed my dosing cycle to 5ml calc, 10ml alk every day, from 10/10 every other day. No sign of phosphates anymore. Will be going fully automated after the tax check arrives and seriously upgrading my flow.
A few details...48x24x24, 120 gallons.
Euro-Reef RS-180 skimmer,
48" Aqualight Pro 2x150w HQI/2x96w PC/3x1w lunar lights,
40g Reef Ready Sump,
Mag 12 drive,
160lbs of live rock,
250lbs of live sand
A few early pictures and the rest were taken tonight. (Please excuse the noticeable flat worm problem. I will be taking care of that soon.)

A few details...48x24x24, 120 gallons.
Euro-Reef RS-180 skimmer,
48" Aqualight Pro 2x150w HQI/2x96w PC/3x1w lunar lights,
40g Reef Ready Sump,
Mag 12 drive,
160lbs of live rock,
250lbs of live sand
A few early pictures and the rest were taken tonight. (Please excuse the noticeable flat worm problem. I will be taking care of that soon.)