10 watts per gallon lighting questions


Active Member
on the new system that I am currently setting up, I am going to have 10 watts per gallon (800 watts MH and 324 watts T5). this was not what I had originally planned, I ended up going with a smaller tank than I had planned on. my questions:
can this much light cause damage to corals or fish?
I planned on having the lights 18 inches off the water, is this far enough?
should I run the lights for less hours per day?
btw, heating shouldn't be a problem. I built the stand extra wide so that I could stand fans behind the aquarium.

salty tank

I dont know if that many watts per gallon could hurt the fish or corals. If it doesnt hurt the corals, than you certainly have enough watts for probably any coral.


New Member
Im Assuming It's 110 Gal, No You Should Be Fine. However, I Would Worry About The Lights Heating That Tank Up, You Did Not State If You Have Any Coolant Methods So Im Unsure If You Nailed This Issue Already.
As Far As Too Much Light, Hang Or Mount That Light System About 14" Above The Water Surface. When You Are Ready For Coral, If They Are Low Light Then Place At Bottom Or In A Somewhat Shaded Area. For Med Light, Ground Level And Middle Areas Of Rock Will Do. I Think You Get The Picture.
You 2 Greatest Enemies Are Heat, Heavy Algae Blooms, Cyanobacteria Blooms And So Forth.


Couldn't help but notice that marsciguy... ahem sorry... Couldn't Help But Notice That MarSciGuy Listed More Than 2 Greatest Enemies :)
You'll be fine if you're putting the lights 14" off the water and have fans on them. Might lose water fast though. For reference, I've got a measly 75 with 11 watts per gallon and (after getting rid of the crappy Wal-Mart thermometer that was 6 degrees off) the aquarium fluctuates between 79 and 83 degrees. I keep the lights (2x400 10k MH) on ~14 hours a day. All of my light-eating corals are happy.


Active Member
not to get off top[ic here , but you know those long thin fans that have been the latest craze for homes , you could mount one of those sideways on your wall below your lights they even come with a remote or put it on a timer when your lights go on and off ........ anyway thats what i do and it works perfect