100 gal FOWLR setup advice



new to this, here is my 1st FOWLR set up i set up on Saturday; temp, pH, salinity are all set.
100 gal tank 60x18x23
100# live rock (going in tomorrow)
100# small CC
40 watts right now (came with tank) but upgrading to orbit 4x65watt compact Flor. w/lunars in two weeks
fuval 404
after cycling, these are the fish i have been thinking about adding
(1) yellowtail damsel
(1) royal gramma basslet
(1) Majestic Angel
(1) Annularis or Passer Angelfish
(1) Flame Angel???
(1) large Maroon Clown
(1) lyretail or hoevens wrasse
(1) purple Tang
(1) Chevron Tang
(1) bicolor blenny or watchman goby
(1) reef lobster
(1) red or blue sea star
(1) squamosa clam (???hopefully placed near the top)
let me know if these inhabitants sound compatible and in what order should i add them?
can i have 3 angles in this setup?


Active Member
i know some things about the fish. im going to say you can only have one angelfish. i have heard one person say you might could get away with ONLY 2 in like a 300 gallon tank. they will fight so i would say get one. also add that angelfish LAST. if you dont add it last then any new fish that you add might get beatin up by it.
for the tangs(im not sure if anyone will get on to you) but i think it will be alright. BUT add them 6 months after your tank has been set up. take your time adding fish too.


oops....ok so ill go with one angel, prob a majestic
(1) yellowtail damsel
(1) royal gramma basslet
(1) Majestic Angel
(2) large Maroon Clown
(1) lyretail or hoevens wrasse
(1) purple Tang
(1) Chevron Tang
(1) bicolor blenny or watchman goby
(1) reef lobster
(1) red or blue sea star
(1) squamosa clam (???hopefully placed near the top)
any other problems or suggestions?
can i add a puffer to this or will he eat the lobster?


Puffers will eat the clam and the lobster, also you can't keep clam with that light. You need good metal halides for that.


IMO, I think instead of crushed coral, you should go with LS. You say FOWLR now, but you will probably want to go to a reef sometime in the future
and LS is the way to go with a reef. But it is really up to you. Also, wait a while before you get the star, especially a blue star which I'm assuming you are talking about a blue linkia star. They are very difficult to care for, and need a lot of LR to search for food. Hope this helps, and good luck.