100 gallon $75, 50 Gallon $40, 30 gallon Best offer


100 gallon is 6 feet long 18 inches wide and tall, Has been resealed just to be sure of no leaks. We bought it for $200 in January and took our fish out about 2 weeks ago NEED TO GET RID OF IT. IT IS TAKING UP SPACE. has a rot iron stand
stand and tank $75 OBO
55 gallon, only the tank $40
30 gallon tank, lights, stand, and glass tops. i am not sure how much its worth will take Best reasonable offer
Any further questions please e-mail us at Ilvbulldogs@aol.com


30 gallon setup we will take $70 OBO
Just reminding everyone about the 100 gallon everyone asks me how much we are selling it for just make an offer cause it needs to go i have no more storage space for it. You never no how much ill take just to get rid or the tank


Active Member
Are you selling the animals too, or can I pick up the 100 gal tank only? i can get to Pittsburgh and pick up the tank but most of the animals probably won't survive.


Active Member
Ummmm, check the date of the original post.
I'm sure he's not still selling the tanks 3-1/2 years later.


makes one scratch their head and wonder how some of these posts get recycled. :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: