100 gallon finally up and running


ive been working on this 100 gallon for about and a 1/2 yrs now and its finally up and running.
here is the rundown......
100g display 72"x18"x18"
50g sump (30g of water
3x250w mh 20k
70 lbs lr (so far)
5 mex. turbo
10 astrea
royal gramma
ocl. clown
lots of cool hich hiker corals and brittlestars
1 zoa frag
full tank shot


Active Member
lookin good ....
what u plannin on keepin some sps adventually with that light huh??
good work...
what kind of equipment are u using for filtrations and flow and such....
cant wait to see it all come together with tons of corals!


sorry in the sump i have an asm g3 skimmer a mag 9 return that is split in 2 and 2 600 gph rio powerheads in the display
yea its going to be a mixed reef, I want to do softies and polyps on one side and sps on the other. I plan to leave the middle pretty much an open sandbed like it is for corals and clams that require sandbed placement. I am still working on a fish list but Im pretty picky about the other fish I want.


Active Member
very very cool i like ur idea of splitting up sps on one side and softies on the other then clams and maybe some nice lps in the center
u might wanna up the flow a lil though sps love flow i have 40x's turnover in my 180 and id put more if it didnt create a sand storm in my tank lol


yea I 'm planning on buying a couple more powerheads and adding a wavemaker/timer
mostly on the sps side of the tank.
I'm also going to supplement my MH lights with some 10k & actinic VHOs


all the corals are hichhilers accept the closed up zoa frag.
I bought those 4 20 bucks.
I bought all the snails and hermits too.
thr best part is at my LFS they have a bin of LR that is 3.65 per lb I



:help: these are zoa frags I have pictured here befroe. They havent opened up fully in a couple of days


That is really nice. I like the idea of having the clam bed in the middle. Where did you get the LR here in town with all those hitchikers!?
Hey, maybe they are just albino zoos.