My daughter started working for a local coffeshop that has a 100 gallon fish only tank. When she told the manager about my reef tank, he asked if I could take a look at their tank because the fish died all the time. I went in this afternoon with test kit & hydrometer on hand. Good timing too because the fish person has been in about 2 hours prior, cleaned algae off the glass and did a 10% water change. This is what I found:
100 gallon plexiglass tank with built in overflow
2 - single 20 watt CL 50/50
Sump w/ bioballs & skimmer (so much salt crud couldn't get more details)
2-3 inches crushed coral bed
several large "decorative" aquarium coral (gets bleached 1 a month by fishperson)
top of tank is completely covered with sheet of plexi & light sit on top of this with holes cut out for them.
Salt - 1.028
PH - 8.2
AM - .25
NI - 0
NA - 200+ (off my chart)
I have not been able to ID all the fish yet but believe:
4 Black & white stripped clowns
1 Triggerfish
1 Spotted Cardinal (know this one for sure)
No inverts, ie snails, crabs, etc.
I have a reef tank & know what this needs, but no experience with a fish only tank. I was told the fishperson does water changed directly from the bathroom sink, adds salt to the sump, cleans the glass & leaves. No hydrometer or testing kits have ever been seen. The managers first task is to get 50 gallons of RO water, 5 gc bucket & a hydrometer! My plan is to get the salt, AM & NA down as quickly as possible. 25% change, wait a couple of days and do another 15-25%, and then 1 more to "fine" tune.
Is the lighting good or bad for FO? What are the water parimeters fish only? Stocking suggestions would be helpful with the fish already in there. The "completely" covered top has me concerned with no room for air-gas exchange.
My thinking is to add some live rock, get a clean-up crew, and then add some more fish. This is a Hawaiian based coffe shop & they want a low maintenance "cool" tank with lots of colorful fish. Maybe I am dreaming, but finding some low light living thing for the clowns to host would be sweet too. It was sad to watch them in the fake stuff & apparently they are very aggressive towards other fish in the tank.
Comments, thoughts, suggestions, help??
100 gallon plexiglass tank with built in overflow
2 - single 20 watt CL 50/50
Sump w/ bioballs & skimmer (so much salt crud couldn't get more details)
2-3 inches crushed coral bed
several large "decorative" aquarium coral (gets bleached 1 a month by fishperson)
top of tank is completely covered with sheet of plexi & light sit on top of this with holes cut out for them.
Salt - 1.028
PH - 8.2
AM - .25
NI - 0
NA - 200+ (off my chart)
I have not been able to ID all the fish yet but believe:
4 Black & white stripped clowns
1 Triggerfish
1 Spotted Cardinal (know this one for sure)
No inverts, ie snails, crabs, etc.
I have a reef tank & know what this needs, but no experience with a fish only tank. I was told the fishperson does water changed directly from the bathroom sink, adds salt to the sump, cleans the glass & leaves. No hydrometer or testing kits have ever been seen. The managers first task is to get 50 gallons of RO water, 5 gc bucket & a hydrometer! My plan is to get the salt, AM & NA down as quickly as possible. 25% change, wait a couple of days and do another 15-25%, and then 1 more to "fine" tune.
Is the lighting good or bad for FO? What are the water parimeters fish only? Stocking suggestions would be helpful with the fish already in there. The "completely" covered top has me concerned with no room for air-gas exchange.
My thinking is to add some live rock, get a clean-up crew, and then add some more fish. This is a Hawaiian based coffe shop & they want a low maintenance "cool" tank with lots of colorful fish. Maybe I am dreaming, but finding some low light living thing for the clowns to host would be sweet too. It was sad to watch them in the fake stuff & apparently they are very aggressive towards other fish in the tank.
Comments, thoughts, suggestions, help??