100 Gallon Reef Stocking List


The tank has 2 250watt MH lights, has 150lbs LR, and it has 3 inches of live sand.
Stocking Tank with:
1 Coral Beauty
1 Salfin Tang
2 percula Clown
2 Gobies
1 Fairy Wrasse
Misc. Coral and inverts
Will this work? Lemme know what you think.


Just my opinion on the Coaral Beauty. It is a monster It will look nice but eat and destroy some beutiful corals and not to metion a flame angel. Which to me is a way better choice. But that is just me some fish work and some don't. Research is the best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nemo's Mom
I have the same stocking list minus the wrasse. My beauty never hurt a thing but maybe I keep it well fed??
Every fish itself is different just like we are. I had a queen angel that did not bother a thing, the one I have now picks at everything.
The list looks good though.


Im gonna have some frogspawn, Monti caps, mushrooms, zoo's, rose bubbletip, plate coral and other just cant think of it right now. Thanks for the replies, keep them coming.