1000th post!


Active Member
Well, this is my 1000th post, so I get to come up with some witty title for myself. Since I love my giant hermit crabs I want to be crab girl--but that just sounds wrong :rolleyes: . Anyways, I do feel obliged to give the traditional thanks to SWF.com schpeal. I really have learned so much from this site (and spent so much on swf.com animals :p ). Really I can't imagine where my tanks would be now without all the terrific input I've gotten from so many here (including but not limited to, in no particular order, and sorry if I forget you, Ophiura, DvSkin, Bangguy, Buzz, Broomer, NMReef, Wrassecal, MichaelTX, Beth,...) Thanks guys (And if you're looking to give me more terrific input, please check out my other thread on whether or not I should buy a 140) :D
-leigh (and Hal the 6-line, Victor the Purple Tang recoveree from HLLE, Godzilla and Girlzilla the giant hermit crabs, Gordon the sally lightfoot, Cleopatra, Antony and Ceasar the brittle stars, and a whole bunch of other creepy crawlies...)


Hey I see my name what did I do this time LOL ..
not a problem leigh I glad your tanks are going good and Ill check the other out ;-Þ


Active Member
Leigh, congratulations! I guess this means you are staying. I sure hope so because I think you've been a VERY positive, helpful and interactive member. I think hermit girl sounds great. I changed mine to sponge....still soaking up that knowledge:D


Active Member

Originally posted by chinnyr
Wow!A thousand posts in 6 months!:eek:

Yep and every one worth taking a peek:cool:


Active Member
Aw...Debbie (I do have your real name right I hope?) and Chad you two are both way to sweet :) (And Chad I can't call you Chad, I have to call you DvSkin or else my bf will get jealous ;) )
Chinny, yeah I guess I do spend too much time on this board, and Debbie thanks for the vote of confidence though I recognize not quite 100% of my posts are that stellar--(right Chad w/spaghetti worm etc...)--and I've been known to get drawn into an OT or two, but all up this board has really been great for me...I'm glad my work puts me behind a computer so I can 'research' all day long :)
OOh, and sponge, very clever, I like that! (Maybe we can form our own little invert society--we'd have to invite Susan too of course...)


Congrats, Leigh!
This board is a better place because of people like you. As I recall, you responded with positive advice to my first post on SWF.com. Now that I have seen my ideas turn into reality with my reef tank I must thank the many people that have responded to my posts and others who have offered their knowledge in posts that I have searched. So to wrap up this sappy post I will say thanks, Leigh - you and Broomer got me back into a great hobby!


Active Member
You got my name right, the spellings just a little off, it's Debi;) I get into a lot of the OT's too and I think most of them are great and help us get to know a little more about each other.


Active Member
Bambalamb--that is so sweet, thanks, glad you're enjoying your tanks--and Broomer has done a lot for a lot of us by just exuding good info.
Debi, I apologize and now I will remember it correctly. I started to go in and edit that post, but then I realized that's why I couldn't find you when I did a search for "wrassecal and debbie" so maybe by leaving it as is in this thread more thick brained folk like me will be able to find you in future searches :D


Active Member
I don't know what to say...<sniff><sniff> :D
Glad everything's working out for you.
I'll check out your other post...
I get it! James, your so funny.
Maybe this will help:
I think he meant Derhosen might be a nice last name for you, Leigh.
Silly, silly.:D


Active Member
oh my word. you know of all the silly nicknames i've picked up throughout my life no one has ever thought of that one--normally flea was the spinoff. tangs--clearly you are wittier than most...i still stick to the easy ones--like try singing the banana song with my boyfriend's name "chuck"--good for a few giggles, especially if you're still fundamentally an 8 yr old at heart. :D
I do notice no one commented on my fishies names "Hal" and "Victor"--are there no michigander's on this board?!?


Hal Roach and Victor Hugo.. Ha no just kidding
Hail to the Victor ;)


Active Member
LOL--thomas, glad you got it :) And Rick, thanks--and you're exactly right about a bigger tank--though in thinking even more I think my 'big' tank someday will definitely be 6 ft not 5 ft--6 just seems more useful...but hey--can't afford either now so it's all just in that little dreamworld known as my head :)