Okay. Im throwing this out there and I know it may sound crazy. I have been in the SW tanks for about 7 yrs or more. I started with the old fashion florescent. Then a few years ago I updated to a 260w Compact florescent system on my 55g. Well I have a 125g that I am setting up and a need a better lighting system. I am going with a metal halide system that I want to do myself. I was going to go with 3 250watts but the price is going to be up there. Someone localling is selling some metal hailde flood lamps for $25 complete which sounds great cause all I have to do is change the bulb since its basically the same ballast. The problem is that it is a 1000w each. Heres the question. Can I really go with 1 1000w metal halide bulb for a 6ft tank and try to make a reflector to shine on the whole tank. Im pretty sure you will say go with the 3 lights but will this work? Budget!!! Thanks