100g beginner reef for sale SoCal area


If anyone is interested...I'm asking 1200.00 USD obo. I'm located in San Diego County, Oceanside.
You can contact me at martz@dslextreme.com
Here's the specifics:
100g acrylic with 30g sump
2 175w 14k MH with extra 20k bulbs
1 400w 20k MH with extra 14k bulb
1190gph Gen X pump bought Sept '05
purple monti
green monti
red monti
Green digitata
brown digitata
finger leather
nice pulsing xenia
worm brain
rose brain
blue pimpled red shrooms
green shrooms
hairy shrooms
blue shrooms
turquiose shrooms
green star polyps
crocea clam
flame scallop
pink and black cucumber
skunk cleaner shrimp
few snails and hermits
yellow watchman goby
pink spotted shrimp goby
candy hogfish
male green mandarin
2 green chromis
cinnamon clownfish
goldstripe maroon clown
hippo tang
sailfin tang


I'm going to give it a few weeks and see if I can't get rid of it altogether. If not...then yes, I will be selling seperate. I will PM you. If I decide to sell the lights now, the coral will die. Guess I'm stuck...


New Member
Maybe this is a dumb question...well probably...
Are you willing to ship?
We have done a few months of research and are ready to actively search for a set-up 100 or more gallons and yous sounds great!
Please let me know!