100g tank...yes or no??!?!? NEED HELP!!!

pappa d

hello everybody. its been a while since i've been on here and i just wanted some oppinions on a deal i was offered. Somebody I know is willing to sell me a 100 gallon tank for $80. I have a 58g tank to make into a sump and i have a protein skimmer as well with half of the lights i would need. The only thing i would have to do really is build the stand/canopy. Just from some experience from those of you who have this size tank or around it, what is the stock like? i really wanted to do a fish only tank if possible (or maybe fowlr). would there be any cool combo i could do of just a couple large fish in that size? also, do you think its worth it to take alot of time out to get a tank that size running? i only have a biocube 29 right now so it would be a huge leap! any comments would be appreciated!! thanks-


what r the dimentions? if its long which would be 6' then u could do some angles,tangs,anthias,ect ect.... but yes i would buy that in a heart beat.

pappa d

not sure on the dimentinos yet... my friend told me about the offer from one of his customers. as soon as i find out i will post it. most 100's are six feet long though so i'm not too worried about the length


that makes all the diffrence though. if u get like a 100high then u cant have the big fish that u want because they will have less swimming room

pappa d

alright, i just got the info on the tank and it is 72". So with that said....what would be a cool combination of a few large fish? I really wanted to do fish only so could someone throw out some ideas!


we went from a 10g to a 25g to a 110g...We loved the leap now we are building a 180. The other 3 tanks are still up and running full reefs. I was told if you can handle a smaller tank you will have no problem with a larger one.


Active Member
100 gallon for $80... you shouldn't pass up that deal.
Zebra Eel, Magnificent Foxface, Harlequin Tush...


$80 for a 100ga tank only is not a bad deal nor is it a great deal. If you are enjoying the hobby then it is IMO a good idea to go with the larger tank. I have found that the larger the tank the easier it is to maintain and the problems we inevitably experience don't become disasters as quckly thus allowing more time to diagnose and treat. As far as stocking this tank... I am more into having more activity going on and therefore would not want one or two large fish but instead would like to have numerous smaller fish to exemplify the diversity of the oceans we are trying to mimic. Good luck in your decisions I hope this was a little help.


That is a great deal. I was offered a 125 with equipment (including a UG filter, it was all outdated stuff but the lights were good) for $400. I was going to get it. $80 is an awsome buy!!!!

pappa d

thanks everyone for the imput! i am going to try to contact the seller tomorrow and take him up on his offer. can i get some more feedback on stock list?? like i said above i was goign to try to do a couple of larger sized fish instead of many small. thanks again everyone-

pappa d

alright, since i have no idea of what a possible stock list could be for this tank i decided that i would just like to list all the fish that i like and that could (as far as i know) be housed in a 100g tank. If anyone would like to try to put together a list or just give general information about hardiness/compatability/if it would even work in this tank.. i would appreciate it. Also like i listed above, i would really like to do a fish only tank so keep that in mind. Thanks

Pinktail Triggerfish
Harlequin Tuskfish
Porcupine Puffer/Dogface Puffer
Foxface Rabbitfish
Yellowbar Angelfish
Raccoon Butterflyfish
Specklefin Grouper
those are some options that i like at the moment, feel free to add some more to think about!


100gal for $80 is an AMAZING PRICE
inless.. when u inspect it, its all scratched up from moving rocks or for other reasons.. but if its in great shape even if i didnt need it right away i would buy that in a heart-beat because thats easily $300 at a LFS.

pappa d

alright thanks, the only thing i was a little hesitant about was it not coming with a stand. i guess i would have to start looking up some plans on DIY


Active Member
Pinktail Triggerfish probably going to get too big unless you are going to keep it alone or with a limited amount of other fishHarlequin Tuskfish okay for FOWLR, pressing the limits for a reef
Porcupine Puffer/Dogface Puffer will outgrow it in NO TIME

Foxface Rabbitfish okay. bare minimum for a full size specimen. typical 3" specimen will be fine

Yellowbar Angelfish if by this you mean Map or Asfur they get too large and probably too mean for a 100g

Raccoon Butterflyfish will work if it eats properly and h2o quality is good

Specklefin Grouper not sure exactly what grouper this is but it will probably limit the number of other fish you can have unless you want a species only type tank with it and perhaps one other large aggressive fish

I take it you dont want a reef tank. My 100g measures 72Lx18Wx19H". This is very UNCOMMON size for a 100g. A standard 100g tank is 5ft long and taller. You can search my name in the photography section for pics.
My stock list is:
Powder Brown tang
Hippo Tang
Midas Blenny
One male and three female Lyretail anthias
Two cleaner shrimp