100's of tube worms.... help!!


About 3 months ago I got about 100 lbs of rock and many of them had these things that look like worms that make calcium like tubes that grow out of the rock. They emit a slime like trail and are really gross and they also make the rock look like spikes are growing all over it. Also all of the tubes look like They started with about 30 or 40 and I covered up as many as I could with super glue, hoping it would kill them. Well now I have about 2 - 300 of them. Anyone know what these are and how to kill them?


New Member
dig threw this web site. someone made a post that says worm identification or something that describes those. I had like 10 of those in my tank.Are you talking about the ones that look like they release a spider web?


Those are actually tube snails. I think...
I have like 1 or 2. Theyre black and live fulltime inside of a calcium tube. They release a mucous web that they use to snare particles, and then reel in the particles to eat.


Yup.... those are them! You guys all seem to describe them. They started out as a few and now have gotten out of control. Any ideas on a crab or anything to get them?


Does anyone else have these, or have had them and knows how to get rid of them? Any help would be appreciated!


Active Member
There is only one way KILL YOUR ROCK
this will suck but you DO NOT want these they will destroy your tank my friend just went through this, the only chemical is some sort of acid and is not advised, dont worry your rock will come back in no time. these things will infest your filtration and cause everything to not work properly. i feel bad for you good luck, by the way we just broke down a 92 gal in seattle that was absolutley infested with these thing and it looked awful