101 Tips to Beginning and Maintaining a Saltwater Aquarium


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdhorn98
I will make sure to do that. and by the way this is one of the best post ive read I sat down last night and read it from top to bottom thanks for the great info, ive has a sw tank now for 5 years and suffered a big loss about 3 months ago when the tank sprung a leak and after saving everyone in the tank and setting up a new one I had some sort of out break of bacteria that killed off all but my 2 chromis, so im starting from the beggining all over again and this has been a good place to start with some new thoughts on filtering and setup im going with a 90 now with a 55 as my sump refug set up so lets keep our fingers crossed that i dont have anymore loses like last month, but once again thanks for the time you put into this its been good reading
Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!


New Member
This is a very good thread to read. I especially like the one where it says "Be prepared to spend money." I run an aquarium maintenace business here in Atlanta, Ga and I wish all of my customers knew 1/4 of the things described in this list. But since they dont, they are prepared to spend money on my services. Once again.....very nice list. this should help out a lot of new comers.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
It will provide air/oxygen to the water so that your oxygen levels do not go down and the water does not go stagnant.
Buy two of them (depending on the size of the tank, and put them in the back of the tank, behind the live rock. You do not want air bubbles being lodged in the fish's gills, but it is very important to provide air flow so that the fish do not die due to lack of O2.
Really? I have the air bubble thing in my DT, and my Tomato and FP sleep all night on top of the bubbles!! Can they die by doing this? They seem to love it...


New Member
Hey lion i am getting ready to start getting a good size tank setup and was wondering if we could chat at all about what equipment you would recomend, i would like to get the good stuff now and have it take a while longer than rush into getting it setup. i sent you an email and i hope that you could spare any time to help me figure out what i need and what to avoid. im looking at getting a 100-180g tank and also setting up a small quarantine tank. your help would be very appreciated. my email is xxflynryanxx@yahoo.com thanks a ton.
this post i truely amazing it has been saved and i want to thank lion for all his information that has taken him/u so much time to obtain and share.


Hey silly question, I'm going to post this in the Newbie section as well. Won't any porous rock turn live over time with all the little holes providing homes for the marine life ? For example the Tufa or Lava rock from *****

Wouldn't these provide the necessary terrain for organisms and coraline aglae to migrate into/onto?


New Member
I wish I read this 35 yrs ago!
Yeah I had salt tanks before anyone knew squat
Your tips are great
I am getting back into salt after getting rid of all equipment over 10 to 12 yrs ago (buying new stuff - 75-125 tank and all ythe stuff)
Relearning and getting up to par with new equipment and techniques
Thanks again for your efforts...
I do Know about lion fish stings-
Had one about 22 yrs ago (lived over 3 1/2 yrs... good for back then)
11 inches long and fat
Had hand in tank and turned head away ... felt pricks on fingure
I said, "Oh SH*T" other things also said
Poison control helped - they said normally not FATAL " LOL"
as pain rushed up my arm and I broke into a cold sweat
Went to Emergency room where doctor made fun of me
Put my hand in as hot of water I could tolerate
Then shot me up with 75 mg of demerol.
Still hurt like hell but I didn't care anymore
swelling went down in a week with anti-biotics and many jokes from co-workers
Just thought you would enjoy this story
Thanks again for teaching an old dog new tricks.


New Member
i have a 55 gallon with a 30 gallon custom sump..i was courious to what size pump i would need for my return..if sum one has info please lemmie know..thanks
Holy Everything I Ever Needed To Know, Batman! I am so thankful for this thread!!
Will you be adding the additional tips you mentioned to bring it up to 150? I've arranged it in a Word doc and want to print it out for reference
but would love to have it completed.
Thank you!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltWaterKitty
Holy Everything I Ever Needed To Know, Batman! I am so thankful for this thread!!
Will you be adding the additional tips you mentioned to bring it up to 150? I've arranged it in a Word doc and want to print it out for reference
but would love to have it completed.
Thank you!!!

Thanks a lot for the compliments, Kat!
I am actually working on composing the whole thing in a book format.
It is being sent to various publishing companies now, and hopefully will be in publication sometime in 2009. In the book, I summed it up a lot better, and have a lot more tips (though, it is still "101" official tips for marketing reasons). It is amazing though, how much can change when you look at the piece 1000 times. All the information is the same, but I reformatted, reorganized, and it is overall, a lot more user-friendly.


New Member
I had a panther grouper for about 6 1/2 yrs in a 75 gallon tank. He was about 14 to 15 inches long. I lost him about 2 months ago. And I'm starting over the tips are great. I do not have them when I started would have been very helpful. I spent alot of money on fish for a long time and the grouper lived. All I have in the tank now is a few snails, some Turbo and a Nassarius snail and one domino damsel. I also have two red mangroves trees in the tank to help with the nitrate levels to help keep the nitrate levels down in the tank. All the pH, ammonia/nitrite, and the nitrate are good. Oh I see that you can test for calaium and maganesium is there a kit that you can buy to test for the levels.
I have no sump or a protein skimmer on the tank. I have protein skimmer but i have not used it for about 4 years because it was so messing but that my be from use the stress coat. I would like to know if the sump and the protein skimmer is some thing that I need to think about again. I would like to start a reef tank more so then the aggressive fish?
Thanks for the help
If you would like to email that will work to jennifer_brown@greenleafnursery.com


New Member
I'm all new to this. me and my roommates wanna get into this we have a 55 gal tank but my roommates wanna get coral and fish and urchins and just a mix of things. which I'll assume isn't the best idea. but we're more set on getting fish than anything else. an urchin would be awesome but like I said not sure on what we can have in the same tank. we're about to buy sand and live rock, honestly we don't know what to start the tank off with and when to start adding fish. think you can help us out a little here lion?


New Member
I just started my tank for saltwater (30gal) octogan, I started by checking for leaks of course then addded crush coral then tap water and ocean salt turned my pump on and let it cycle for 48 hours after that i added a 6lbs live rock let that cylce for 24 hours then added 4 damsels on 3/22/09 i have kids that want a couple of nemo's how long should i wait to add them in the tank and i might want to add some sea anemone how long before i could add those