10g good for anything?


pa reef pig

I have a 10 gallon sitting around and I am wondering if I could do anything with it as far as an aggressive setup? Anything really small and hardy that will be fun to have? Any ideas?

bang guy

I have a few 10 gals i use; Growing out Brine Shrimp, breeding and raising Peppermint shrimp, Growing Sand Skaters. All fun stuff to me but I get some strange looks when people see them... :confused: :rolleyes:

pa reef pig

That sounds like fun. Is raising pepermint shrimp hard to do?
What the heck are sandskaters?

bang guy


Originally posted by PA reef pig
That sounds like fun. Is raising pepermint shrimp hard to do?
What the heck are sandskaters?

Raising Peppermint shrimp is a challenge but no different than any other SW breeding IMO.
Snad Skaters are rare little Isopods that resemble Trilobites. I'm trying to get enough of them going to distribute.
Sand Skaters:

pa reef pig

Is this your hobby or your job?
How would YOU set up this 10 gallon tank if it was up to you?
I could do another mini-reef but would rather do something diferent.


Active Member
aggressive and small??
the only thing that comes to mind here is damsels
HTH and good luck
oh yeah, you want aggressive, and beautiful, for a 10 gallon, you could also go with a mantis shrimp


damsels the meanest things u can get i couldnt imagine bein in a tank with them if they were about 2 feet long i would b more scared of them than a shark


Active Member
My wife set up a 10 gal with a spotted hawkfish. It's the only fish in there and is as aggressive as our lion. Loves anything meaty. Put in a ghost shrimp and you'll see aggression:D
Also the fish has a great personality:)
Check em' out and Good Luck!


I know I am gonna take a lot of flack for this but I set up a 10 gallon dwarf lionfish tank. It lasted for about 4 months and then he minstrelsy died. Later on I found out that I had a SEVERE voltage leak and thats what killed him. In terms of tank size he was fine and he loved to chase around the little feeders I would drop in. The biggest thing is just to do 10% weekly water changes. That will keep your waste low and your fish happy!!!

pa reef pig

Thanks for the replys! Alot of good ideas.
I like the mantis shripm idea. I'll keep my eyes open for one.

pa reef pig

Im a bit scared of the Mantis breaking the glass. Does that happen alot or is it unlikely?