10g nano question...


New Member
I just started my first tank and love SWF.com. Here is my question...
I have a 10g tank that has been running for 6 weeks. Levels have been great, all at 0, per my API test kit. I have two false percs (added 9 days ago), a lawnmower blenny (added 14 days ago), 6 snails, 6 hermits, 15lbs LR, 20lbs LS. Would it be foolish to add anything else? Am I asking for trouble if I get a neon goby/pistol combo? Or, is there any other small fish anyone would recommend adding?
I have been and will continue to be religious (that's why I do them on Sundays
) about weekly water changes. 10-20%. I have a hang on back filter that is more than adequate for a 10g tank (200gph). I also test my water every 2-3 days. -Thanks in advance for your reply.


5 gallons per inch of fish that lawnmower will get huge you need to add a 50 gal refugium if you want to keep those fish alive. jmo


Active Member
You prob shouldnt have any more than 1 to 2 fish in that tank depending on size. If you wanted a clownfish species then 1 False perc or 1 B&W ocellaris or 1 true perc would IMO max out your stock list for fish. There are some other species of nano type fish that only max out to about 2 inches and are thinner in width. You might be able to get away with 2 of these types, but testing your water and keeping tight maintenance will be essential.
As far as the neon goby / pistol shrimp combo.. it wouldnt work neon gobys arent shrimp gobys so they wont pair up together. Neons are parasite eaters and like to hang in the LR and on perches waiting for fish to swim by so they can hop on and feed.
Any shrimp goby combo would need a decent sand bed depth. And there are quite a few shrimp goby species that would pair with a pistol shrimp. Just my 2 cents.


Hello, have you looked at a sixline wrase? I have one in my 10gal with a pink line gobby. She is a very colorful fish with alot of personality. Look one up under fish and let me know what you think.


Active Member
I agree that the lawnmower will get way too big for that tank. I would find a new tank for the lawnmower and stick with the clowns