10g Question


130w pc
HOB Filter for 10-20g w/ filter pad removed and replaced with phosphate sponge
20lbs LR
20lbs LS
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Fridmani
1 X-sm Scooter Blenny
1 Sm black serpant star (soon moving to 75g)
1 Very small red star fish 3/4" across
10 Blue leg hermits
1 Arrow crab (quickly outgrowing tank, will probably be moving to my 75g soon)
5 Astria snails
5 Green mushrooms
1 Blue stiped mushroom
1 Lg green hairy mushroom
1 Branching frogspawn
1 Sun coral
1 Colony of green button polyps
1 Xenia
and a couple of unidentified frags the LFS threw in
The questions I have are my Nitrates are always are 20ppm every with 10% WC every other day.
Second my green button polyps have started to bleach and some havent opened for several days while others look like they are trying to turn inside out.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Forgot one thing. My feed schedule is for instance if I feed the fish on Monday then I feed DT's on tues and keep alternating. On fish feeding days there is never left over food the Arrow crab gets everything that hits the sand lol.


Active Member
what are the nitrate readings of your "clean" water, i.e. the water you use when doing water changes?


Active Member
if it test 20ppm before AND after the water change, perhaps you have a bad test kit???
FWIW, I only feed twice a week, you're feeding every day. Even if there is no left over food, fish waste could be an issue.


Active Member
Not sure, I don't dose anything, so I'm not sure about the DTs. If you are doing a 10% water change every week, do you really need to be dosing anything? You don't have a ton of corals.
I have:
- frogspawn
- orange monti
- toadstool
- lots of zoos
- xenia
- mushrooms
- ricordia
- gsp
- leather
All are doing wonderfully, and I don't dose anything. I do a 25% water change every 2 weeks or so. Not saying it will work for you, but it's working great for me.


Should'nt I atleast spot feed the Sun Coral? Before I started the DT's it wouldnt ever open now it looks great.