

how long can a pb tang 4 per.clowns a lemon angel and a wrasse last in a 10g before they get to stressed and die ?


Well-Known Member
Well if we take that tact- indefinately.
All you need is a complete 100g system pumping lotsa water to the 10g "fishium".


Even with a 100 gallon fuge, the tang would die in a 10 gallon no matter how good the water is. It would hardly even be able to move. I hope this is something you are attempting.


Active Member
If the purpose of this question is to either QT the fish or house them until another tank is ready, then I wouldn't recommend it at all. If that is what you are wanting to do, I would A: get a larger QT tank and only QT one every 2 weeks. If you are waiting for a larger tank to become readily available and healthy to the fish, I would just have your LFS hold the fish until that time.
Ask yourself this question...."If I were a fish, how would I feel in this situation and environment?" This doesn't just go for this situation but in every situation involving a living thing and the environment you place that creature in. Best of luck, and I hope you find your answer.


Well-Known Member
Oh For QT any one of the fish could make it for some time up to say a couple of months or so. As long as the biological filtration is established and food is available. But I do recommend a much larger tank even for QT.
No we'll probably find he has been doing this for many months LOL.