10gal nano start


Active Member
if you havent got your filters and stuff yet this is what i would do
Aquaclear 70- gutted and keep sponge in and add chemi pure elite and purigen
Aquaclear 50- all gutted out and add some LR, and cheato- also need small lite over this
50w heater
Flow- Korila 1
and a light
then ur good to get rock and sand


New Member
well i got a hob filter gutted and put bioballs in
another hob with a filterpad and carbon bag
15w light
50w heater
and atm im going to do a fish only tank and later go into the reefs but fish only atm


New Member
ok so if anyone knows how to put pics up with an iphone please tell me and i will upload pics for you guys but new update i have my live rock up and running and its covered in a bright urple corline aglea all of it real nice looking.....got new lighting i got a marineland reef capable lighting has 40 leds 3 atanic rest are white.... got 3 hermits and 3 turbo snails now... next time im getting a clownfish and a goby and some coral


New Member
yes sorry! i forgot to update much but yes it has cycle and checked water watched the spike then it went down and not the water is perfect


New Member
UPDATE: new things added
2 percula clowns ( the already paired up)
1 green banded goby ( just a little guy)
1 coral banded shrimp
1 large hammer coral ( fills up real nice hoping the clowns will host it)
1 green colored polyp
1 wierd thing have no idea what it is someone traded it in and its really cool its green and like branching like a green soft coral. really cool though